define lie
>but but it wasn't 6 million, it was only 2 million
>but but yes the German troops in Eastern Europe were killing Jews and others non stop, BUT THAT DOESN'T COUNT
makes you sound like a psychopath
define lie
>but but it wasn't 6 million, it was only 2 million
>but but yes the German troops in Eastern Europe were killing Jews and others non stop, BUT THAT DOESN'T COUNT
makes you sound like a psychopath
>There was no systematic plan to exterminate Jews
>let's ignore the orders that the Einsatzgruppen got
You are the liar.
Your God is Satan, quite obviously.
Einsatzgruppen murdered their way through Eastern Europe.
Tons and I mean tons of eye witnesses, orders are available, the "soldiers" that did that are known.
And you ignore it all, because you are a liar.
Fun fact: basically none were prosecuted, which makes all your "evidence" like
>trust the red corrupt cross
unbelievable, simply because they were not prosecuted
Nazi families like Quandt with their forced labor camps were alos not prosecuted
Any brainlet would wonder why that is, but not you.
yeah, why wouldn't tippy top Nazi families get prosecuted?
why would Nazis release Rothschild bankers, but not regular Jews?
Were Rothschild bankers afraid of your holiday camps?
>Could video games be used to find psychopathic killers?
>What if the main reason there are so many violent online games is so the CIA can use game data to find the real psychos and recruit them into the ranks?
No, it's the garbage military, who wants to make war into a vidya game.