God put in man a certain genealogical power to cause the marrow of the bones to generate blood for the
life of flesh (Lev. 17:11). Jewry lacks that power. He steals it from man, however, in mongrelization.
The Satanic dyed vampire is manifest in what we have believed was Jewry's white blood corpuscles. In
man, they are round, yet shaped differently for each race. That is one reason God established the Divine
Law for the various races not to mongrelize, In Jewry,however, the "white blood" corpuscles are long
and stringy, and Divine Law forbids all humanity to mongrelize with the Devil's Serpent race, because
the children will in turn be vampire and totally cut off from God.
In times past the Serpent race absorbed entire nations in order to renew the life force in their bone
marrow. Ezek. 28: 12-19 and Isa. 49:26 show the vampire condition. The latter states: "AndI (God) will
feed them that oppress thee (Israel) with their own flesh; and they shall be drunken with their own
blood as with sweet wine: and all flesh shall know that I am the Lord and thy Savior and thy Redeemer
the Mighty One of Jacob".
Isaiah makes it plain that he is speaking about the counterfeit race of Satan who we know as Jews. In
Isa, 14:29; 27:1 and 65:25 he mentions them as the Serpent which is written in the Hebraic to mean the
counterfeit race of the original material Beast who we know as Satan, the same as the father of the
Luciferian Beast in Ezek. 28. In Isa. 49:26 the word "feed" isakal, in the original Hebraic.
It means to consume away. If Isaiah had meant the Serpent race would turn cannibal and feed on itself,
the word "feed" woud have been nahal. If they were thrown into jail as in Rev. 20 and given Jew flesh
to eat when they asked for food and said "feed me" the word would have been last. If they could feed
themselves and they were given Jew flesh (or any proper nourishment)the word "feed" would have
been kul. Isaiah, therefore, graphically shows when Zech. 14:21 and Rev. 20:1-3 are consummated the
Serpent race of Jews will be isolated from humanity and the faculty of Jewry's bones to produce blood
corpuscles will gradually be lost until the race will stagger from weakness which will gradually
consume the race.
Mongrelization with man is essential so Jewry can renew the depleted life force, Extensive
mongrelization can change the outward appearance so much that the Jewish characteristics are difficult,
if not impossible, to perceive.
When that occurs and Satan is about to transform himself into a human automatically possessing the
Life Force of Gad, Divine Law intervenes and the next generation reverts back with all the physical
characteristics known as Jewish and that line of Satan is entirely sterile.
The vampire condition is in three categories and they are spiritual and material. The first phase is as
above. Secondly, the instinctive craving to murder man spiritually. It is accomplished by subtil
suggestions which causes man to think erroneously which generates a destructive electro-cosmic field
of oscillatory disequilibrium in his brain cavity which thrusts him out of conscious contact with God
and spiritually-kills him. That field can be measured with electronic instruments, and scientists know it
is directly the presence of that field which makes man's body deteriorate and eventually die of old age.
Jewry is greedy to shed man's blood in murder and wars (John 8:44; Matt. 23:35)