Anonymous ID: 389b90 July 8, 2018, 6:44 p.m. No.2086453   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I just wanted to drop some (positive) feedback for the BO, BV, and anyone developing the /qresearch/ mobile platform.


I hate my phone and never phonefag, but I was afk and impatient to read the CDAN blinds so I had to find /qresearch/ on mobile. This was my experience.


>search for board on startpage (pic 1 related)

>/h8chan/ isn't in any results

>top results are /r/greatawakening,, and


>search for board on bing (pic 2 related)

>lower results for /r/greatawakening, /qresearch2/, and /qresearch2gen/

The goal of steering normies to secondary sources is definitely working no doubt with the unwitting help of search engine censorship


>finally find it; click; taken to landing page

> (pic 3 related)


If we're bracing for an influx of curious normalfags, the /welcome/ page is perfect. (Cheers to the anons responsible.)


My only trifling suggestion: change


>Enter QResearch if you are ready to participate.


>Enter QResearch if you are ready to ~~participate~~ lurk and learn.

(There should be an emphasis on lurking to learn the culture and avoid being bullied.)