>180 semior executives in Veterans Affairs in the D.C. office.
How many total officials are stationed in the D.C. office?
>180 semior executives in Veterans Affairs in the D.C. office.
How many total officials are stationed in the D.C. office?
Spoken as a pure psychopath. You also believe that if you don't steal from others, they will steal from you.
I keep trying to tell you anons, No man/woman or group of them are running the 0bama/Biden regime. No f… en way could man put together a Regime in which every leader/important job leaders/performers areBAT SHIT CRAZY. d.a. fat alvin, the #3 man in DOJ sent to run the show, the judge, the prosecutors and the witnesses they chose to run this shit show, every one crazy as a loon.
No, something/someone much higher got into their heads. AI maybe. No don't think so.