>Yes but it has some more meaning.
Correct, and so does Left and Right.
Conservative are the Right
and Libtards are the Left.
You know, I used to be funny at one time.
>Yes but it has some more meaning.
Correct, and so does Left and Right.
Conservative are the Right
and Libtards are the Left.
You know, I used to be funny at one time.
>There is much you don't perceive, yet it is reality.
If you can't perceive it, then it is not reality as far as you are concerned, it may be real but it is not real to you as it might as well not exist. So if you can't perceive it then you cannot realize it. Part of reality is realizing that reality.
>If your kid bullies and attacks other kids, what do you do?
Explain to them that bullies prey on the weak because they are weak and want to be perceived as strong when in fact they only choose those that they know they can win against. They are cowards against stronger opponents and always try win them over in order to gain more perceived power.
>No lol, more meaning than that
I am not a dentist, don't make me pull teeth. Then again, Spit it out.
>If you can't see it, it's still reality. Your perception has nothing to do with it.
Wrong, If you can't see it, it's still real but not part of your reality. There is a real difference in reality. <- see what I did there?
>You can keep stating the same lie but that doesn't make it true. Reality is, even when you do not perceive it.
A. I do not lie, B. You just want to be passive aggressive. Please go look up the terms and reflect.
Wrong let me put the implicit for you.
Reality is real, even when you do not perceive it.
Real is real, even when you do not perceive it.
Now which one sounds more correct to you. According to your perception.
>o some, perception is realityโฆ
That is what I said initially to him, that perception is reality. Always. He is just a shill looking to agitate, see how he threw in the accusation and called me a liar?
The dictionary is not accurate in it's terms and why no one understands the differences and cannot affect reality in your own reality.
he refuses to face the world
he refuses to face the state of things
as they actually exist, denotes a perception of state.
Reality is real, even when you do not perceive it.
Real is real, even when you do not perceive it.
Go ahead and subscribe to it. I figured that one out a long time ago. Perception is reality, is what I said. Real is real. Reality is based on the perception of the state of things.
CERN is a money scam of libtards who worship the Satanic occult. The Kaballists are great at gently twisting things to put people on other tracks. They all die, and not one was ever recorded as participating in any miracles whatsoever, except Crowley by one witness who was his disciple and romantic slave boy. You want to understand the secrets, then bear the cross till the end, God knows how to judge hearts and will reveal information to those that work for the Light.
I always answer people like you in advance, but you do not perceive. I gave discourses on the SCIF about energy weapons and was tested. Go reread >>20860675 and think about what was written. There is no punishment for being unaccomplished, there is just no reward. Enjoy the rest of your reality and perceptions. Me yesterday, you tomorrow.
I've heard that all before and there is more to it than that. If it was only that easy. Start here and follow the links >>20862187 that person name calls and mocks, whereas, I testify.
>we all have Christ within us
Let me put this into better perspective with an analogy. This is true, but as a dim light. When all the worldly lights go out, you will be in the dark with a dim light like a match that can easily go out, but if you kindled that light while you had it, you would be like a man with a torch in a cave that can easily find his way out. One perspective requires no work and the other makes Kingdoms come. Amen?