Anonymous ID: df90ee May 13, 2024, 7:26 p.m. No.20863437   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3485 >>3941

> >>20863324 (You)

Right. Failure to pb/lb used to incur great wrath from anons. Anger induced for no good reason other than thoughtlessness and failure to give proper consideration to others. If you are going to bring the fury of the board down upon your head, then at least do it in a way that causes less inconvenience and more reason for self reflection.

Anonymous ID: df90ee May 13, 2024, 7:36 p.m. No.20863485   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3487



With that said, some autists would instantly see, by the number of the link, that it was outside the number range of the current bread. Thus never even getting close to falling into the trap. It could be argued that those who got upset by failure to pb/lb were simply not autist enough. And therefore being trained in autism through the agony of inconvenience.

Anonymous ID: df90ee May 13, 2024, 8:18 p.m. No.20863706   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3722 >>3730


>Spreading Doubt

Your memes spread the doubt Mr. Piggly Wiggly. Anon merely points it out. And archives. Explain again why you substitute a Trust in God coin for a watch that was kept in a man's ass in the movie you took a screen cap from? Explain why that is fine. Explain why that is America Winning. And please do it all in full on CAPS LOCK MODE! Waiting.

Anonymous ID: df90ee May 13, 2024, 8:26 p.m. No.20863737   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3745 >>3778


What were you thinking when you made that meme? Did you think nobody would notice? You can't answer the question, can you? So you try to divert by saying that I am telling you what to do. Can't defend yourself apparently. So point the paw at anon. Pretty fucking lame Pig, pretty lame. With friends like you, the USA does not need enemies. Stupid. No character. Evil.

Anonymous ID: df90ee May 13, 2024, 8:32 p.m. No.20863757   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3760 >>3772


Cognitive dissonance is a bitch! Huh bakes?


Here have a symbolic Trump in jail meme to make (you) feel better, baker.


Or let's just torch the economy. how's that?


William Tell? Hardly!


(you) wish to accommodate a communist snake!


Your Uber just pulled up. See ya!

Anonymous ID: df90ee May 13, 2024, 8:51 p.m. No.20863810   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3816 >>3835


Everything but address the allegations that anon makes. Very weak Pig. Frail mind power. Anon would refer (you) to the top of the bread. Where it says…reasoned argument.

Make a reasoned argument, Pig. Explain the subversive nature of many of your memes. Who are you really fighting for Pig? Don't just keep saying America Winning because that would be retarded. At this point, (you) have repeated it so much that it can easily be taken as mocking America. Whatever America is. North America? South America? The Chinese want to conquer the entire western hemisphere and that would be winning America? Is that the idea here? Because, in light of the stupid and sometimes subversive nature of your memes, that is really how it looks from here. Waiting for something. Anything. That even remotely resembles reason from the meaningless replies coming from the one who calls himself Mr. Pig.


Note to board: Most anons know this, but, for those who don't. What is happening right now is one of the best reasons to avoid being a namefag/famefag on QR. Board personalities have played a huge part in the degradation of Q Research. And, when they build a following, and treat this place like social media, then there is the potential for much damage to be done by misdeed and betrayal.

Anonymous ID: df90ee May 13, 2024, 9:11 p.m. No.20863861   🗄️.is đź”—kun



Why Does President Obama’s Twitter Account Follow Porn Stars?

A cautionary social media tale.


President Obama’s Twitter account, which is run by his “Organizing for Action” staff, follows 636,000 accounts. Many of them you might expect: Michelle Obama, Joe Biden, John Kerry. Even Mariah Carey and Snoop Dogg don’t really raise an eyebrow. But several accounts on the presidential follow list fit a different theme: Asa Akira, a porn star who has 653,000 followers and, in her Twitter bio, states “I have an award-winning asshole.” Joanna Angel (390,000 followers), who describes herself as a “multiple award winning punk porno princess;” Penthouse Pet Of The Year Nikki Benz (808,000 followers); and Ashley Steel (138,000 followers), who writes that she is a “Porn Star, Doggy mama, Happiness Junkie, XXX Model, Buddhist, & Total nerd.”

So why is the official Twitter account for the president of the United States publicly following adult movie stars? Of course, American porn stars are just as American (and just as worthy of the President’s ear) as anyone else, but this interaction is nonetheless an unusual move for an elected official’s campaign-managed social media account.

Neither the Organizing for Action campaign nor the White House immediately responded to a request for comment. A spokesperson for Joe Rospars, Obama’s principal digital strategist for both presidential campaigns, said that he was not available to comment.