Anonymous ID: b4df5f May 14, 2024, 1:36 a.m. No.20864482   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Courtroom erupts as whistleblower is jailed


Former defence lawyer David McBride was jailed for five years and eight months for stealing and disclosing sensitive classified military information.

“It’s very important to deter others from such conduct.”


McBride pleaded guilty in November to three charges, including theft of Commonwealth property and breaching the Defence Act.


The courtroom erupted when Mossop read out the sentencing remarks, with cries of “shame” from McBride’s supporters. McBride must serve a non-parole period of 27 months.


He appeared stern and looked directly ahead as he listened to his sentence. Supporters hugged him as police took him away.


McBride’s lawyers said after the hearing that they would appeal against the sentence.


It was open to the court to sentence McBride for an unlimited period. The judge gave a discount due to McBride’s guilty plea and the fact that the gravity of his disclosures was not overly damaging.

Anonymous ID: b4df5f May 14, 2024, 1:39 a.m. No.20864493   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4495

Genocidal Jews now at war against humanity


St. Paul predicted this. The genocidal Jews "killed the Lord Jesus and the prophets and also drove us out. They displease God and are hostile to everyone."


“Any objective observer knows Israel has broken international law, it has broken American law, and, in my view, Israel should not be receiving another nickle in U.S. military aid,” Sanders said.



Friday’s report came in response to National Security Memorandum 20 (NSM-20), in which President Joe Biden tasked Secretary of State Antony Blinken with obtaining “certain credible and reliable written assurances from foreign governments” that they use U.S. arms in line with international humanitarian law and will not “arbitrarily deny, restrict, or otherwise impede, directly or indirectly, the transport or delivery of United States humanitarian assistance.”


The report, made to Congress, was criticized by human rights organizations who said it mischaracterized both the law and the facts in order to avoid imposing consequences on Israel for waging a war on Gaza that the International Court of Justice has determined could plausibly amount to genocide.


“The people of our country do not want to be complicit in the starvation of hundreds of thousands of children.”


Amanda Klasing, Amnesty International USA’s national director of government relations and advocacy, called it the “international version of ‘thoughts and prayers.’” Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) called it “woefully inadequate” and told reporters, “If this conduct complies with international standards, God help us all.”


Speaking before Sanders on “Meet the Press,” Blinken denied that the report was an attempt to get out of holding Israel accountable.


“What the report concludes is that, based on the totality of the harm that’s been done to children, to women, to men who are caught in this crossfire of Hamas’ making, it’s reasonable to conclude that there are instances where Israel has acted in ways that are not consistent with international humanitarian law,” Blinken said.


He added that both Israel and the U.S. would continue to investigate those incidents.


“When we can reach definitive conclusions, we will,” Blinken said, “but it’s very difficult to do that in the midst of a war.”


In response to Blinken’s remarks, Sanders countered that “the facts are quite clear.”


He said that Hamas was a “terrible, disgusting terrorist organization” and blamed it for starting the war. But he argued that Israel’s response had been beyond disproportionate.


“What Israel has done over the last seven months is not just gone to war against Hamas—it has gone to war against the entire Palestinian people, and the results have been absolutely catastrophic,” the senator told NBC.


Sanders went on to outline some of that catastrophe: a death toll that surpassed 35,000 on Sunday, with two-thirds of the dead women and children; the destruction of around 60% of all housing; the devastation of infrastructure such a as water and sewage as well as the healthcare and education systems; and the fact that hundreds of thousands of children are now at risk of starvation.


Sanders referred to Section 6201 of the Foreign Assistance Act: “Any country that blocks U.S. humanitarian aid is in violation of law and should not continue to receive military aid from the United States,” Sanders explained. “That is precisely what Israel has done.”


Sanders’ remarks came as Israel escalated its assault on Gaza over the weekend, issuing new evacuation orders in both Rafah and areas in the north. Biden has said that a major ground invasion into Rafah would be a “red line” and threatened to withhold certain kinds of weapons if Netanyahu ordered such an invasion, but Palestinian and human rights advocates say that Israel’s current actions in Rafah should already count as a major ground operation.


Speaking on “Meet the Press,” Blinken acknowledged that the U.S. had not seen a “credible plan” from Israel to safely evacuate the more than 1.4 million civilians sheltering in Rafah ahead of an invasion.

Anonymous ID: b4df5f May 14, 2024, 1:46 a.m. No.20864512   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Florida principal arrested on charges of aggravated child abuse, false imprisonment


"It caught everything on camera," the officer told him. "Everything."


The principal of an elementary school in Ocala, Florida has been arrested after being caught on camera assaulting a student. Dontay Akeem Prophet, 33, was subsequently charged with aggravated child abuse and false imprisonment of a victim under the age of 13.


According to WCJB, the incident took place on Friday at Destiny Leadership Academy, a private school in the northern area of town. That day, Prophet allegedly locked a male student in a classroom before abusing him. Footage showed the principal allegedly take the boy to the ground before pinning him down as he thrashes about.


According to police, footage allegedly caught him "using a charging cable to strike the child, causing the child to fall and sustain injuries."


"Additionally," the force added, "Prophet twisted the child’s ankle, slapped the child in the face, and subjected him to further physical abuse." It wasn't until law enforcement caught up with Prophet on Saturday that he found out that there was a security camera in the room.

Anonymous ID: b4df5f May 14, 2024, 1:51 a.m. No.20864521   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Former Diversity Program Manager at Facebook and Nike Sentenced to Federal Prison for $5 Million Fraud


ATLANTA - Barbara Furlow-Smiles, a former diversity program manager at Facebook and Nike, has been sentenced for stealing more than $5 million based on an elaborate scheme involving fraudulent vendors, fictitious paperwork, and cash kickbacks.


“Furlow-Smiles shamelessly violated her position of trust as a DEI executive at Facebook to steal millions from the company utilizing a scheme involving fraudulent vendors, fake invoices, and cash kickbacks,” said U.S. Attorney Ryan K. Buchanan. “After being terminated from Facebook, she brazenly continued the fraud as a DEI leader at Nike, where she stole another six-figure sum from their diversity program. Her prison sentence reflects the consequences of her decision to orchestrate an intricate scheme to defraud two of her employers for personal profit.”

Anonymous ID: b4df5f May 14, 2024, 1:53 a.m. No.20864525   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4534



Is that all you got?


Your response is gayer than your first picture


If you are not a clown, give me a link to some research you posted in your 15 posts this bread?