probably related to the same reasoning (idfk what exactly that is for him) same reasoning as WarpSpeed Vaxes, Indemnity for Oath breaking cops, and blind support for Israel….
if Trump is secretly good, he will have to explain himself someday soon (atleast before this anon goes to Vote Harder). If he's secretly bad and never clears those up before Vote Harder Day, ill sit at home quietly and continue to await the Day of Gen Zombie.
i completely agree that Trump (as much as anyone else on the planet) was being pinched between absolute corruption vs. We the People.
I can not know the truth deep inside Trump's heart… but i DO commend and thank him for trying so hard to make the world a better place. Personally, i have no obligation to try and make friendly nor tactical/strategic word games with those shitbag corrupt criminals… but i CAN imagine that Trump has vastly more experience and skill dealing with such horrible people. For that alone, i grant him the benefit-of-doubt (that he's not secretly evil), and that he really might be doing a divinely inspired 'Job' upon those earth walking demons. I send him my prayers.
ironic that that They often campaign themselves upon their prior government employee "Heroship"
"Open the pod bay door, HAL"
most likely
it hurts my mind that We are in this situation, but Trump would probably pick up half a billion in campaign contributions the same day he gets put in torture cuffs.