Anonymous ID: 7c22b1 May 14, 2024, 7:48 a.m. No.20865534   🗄️.is 🔗kun


New Biden Rule Aims To Entrench The Deep State Forever


The Biden administration’s rule seems designed to ensure the deep state will remain unaccountable to the president — and the American people.


If you think firing poorly performing federal employees is too hard, you are not alone. Most federal employees agree. Now President Biden has made this problem worse. New regulations will make dismissals of poor-performing and subversive employees even more difficult. The rule reinforces removal restrictions and prohibits the reclassification of federal bureaucrats. This broad regulatory change was built specifically to block the reinstatement of Trump-era reforms. The deep state will soon become even less accountable.




Surveys show that federal employees themselves object to this system. Half report chronic poor performance in their unit, and most don’t believe their agency effectively addresses poor performers. Fewer than half of federal career supervisors feel confident they could dismiss an employee for serious misconduct. Just a quarter believe they could remove a poor performer. Federal employees recognize the system is broken.


Unfortunately, this dysfunction empowers bad actors, and it is not uncommon for career employees to inject partisanship into their official duties.


Such partisanship was particularly evident during the Trump administration. The press widely reported on career employees opposing the president’s policies; some even boasted about their “resistance.” Many career bureaucrats acted as though they — not elected officials or presidential appointees — should set policy. Most Americans recognize unelected bureaucrats have too much control over federal policy. The “deep state” is real, and it is a serious challenge to our democracy.


President Trump addressed these problems with an executive order creating “Schedule F” for career officials in policy-influencing jobs. The order made them at-will employees, just like most private sector workers, without removal restrictions. Schedule F gave agencies the ability to effectively and quickly address poor performance or misconduct. At the same time, the order continued protections against politically motivated or discriminatory removals.




Despite Schedule F’s potential, President Biden revoked it shortly after taking office. His administration has now issued a new rule designed to prevent a future administration from bringing back Schedule F. The new regulations reinforce career employee removal restrictions and prohibit reclassifying career employees into an at-will status. Federal bureaucrats who inject partisanship into their duties will remain hard to dismiss. So will chronic poor performers.





Anonymous ID: 7c22b1 May 14, 2024, 8:13 a.m. No.20865591   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5598 >>5610


Since Biden Inherited The Trump Boom, The Whole Economy’s Gone Bust


Now that the easy-growth environment of the post-Covid era is well behind us, Biden — and the country — face a terrible economic reckoning.




At the same time Biden was wrecking the economy, he was also wrecking our available solutions to economic problems. The United States has a consumer economy. It depends on consumer spending to thrive. Because of Biden, consumers do not have money to spend.


Real median household income has dropped under Biden from $76,600 to $74,580, according to the most recent data. For context, under Trump, median household income increased from $70,840 to $76,660, and that includes the worst Covid period. During his so-called “recovery,” Biden took $2,020 out of American paychecks. Americans no longer earn enough to spend our way out of a bad economy.


Before lockdowns, personal savings in the U.S. increased each year under Trump from $746 billion in 2016 to $1.2 trillion in 2019. Personal savings peaked at $2.7 trillion in 2020 during lockdowns. Under Biden, savings have plummeted below pre-lockdown levels to $911 billion as Americans have tried to keep up with inflation. Americans no longer have enough savings to spend our way out of a bad economy.


Under Biden, credit card debt skyrocketed from $717 billion in 2021 to $1.13 trillion in 2023. In December 2023, credit card delinquency rates hit their highest level in over a decade. Under Biden, interest rates on credit cards, auto loans, and home mortgages have hovered at decades-long highs.


This means people are paying more in the future for things that they already purchased in the past, leaving them with less for future consumption. Americans no longer have enough credit to spend our way out of a bad economy.


The savings and debt trends are problematic not only going forward but also looking back. They show that Biden’s growth numbers — as lackluster as they are — were artificially supported by draining savings and racking up debt. Stealing from the future is not a healthy way to maintain short-term economic “growth.”

