Rolling Stone
I'm gonna call Bullshit
Only the Message Matters
Do. Not. Comply.
Truth Storm In Progress
The Truth about the Vax will be revealed
Many will See the Death and Illness around them and put it together
It will be used as a Distraction
What better Distraction could there be?
The Vaxxed will become so concerned with their Mortality
They will be Blind to all other things happening around them
Is that supposed to be a bad thing?
The Final Symbol needs to be revealed
Karen Krakken
So the UN is going into a War zone to get these Numbers?
Israel is Giving these Numbers?
I don't think So
These Numbers come From Hamas
& Hamas is not the most trustworthy of people
There is no Genocide
There is Propaganda
When the Truth comes out in a Couple years
And the Death toll will be a fraction of what's being reported now
You'll understand, It was all lies
Like Ukraine