Anonymous ID: 430a53 May 14, 2024, 2:10 p.m. No.20866745   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6757 >>6767

Supreme Court Justices Slammed by Judge: 'Incredibly Dishonest'


Hawaii Supreme Court Justice Todd Eddins slammed the U.S. Supreme Court as being "incredibly dishonest".


The Supreme Court has faced growing concerns from some legal experts over its decisions on issues like abortion rights, with critics accusing the court's conservative justices of ignoring precedent in their decisions. Meanwhile, the court has faced ethics scandals, prompting it to adopt an ethics code last November.


Democratic Senator Dick Durbin called out the U.S. Supreme Court's ethics problems to Chief Justice John Roberts' face during Tuesday's closed-door judicial conference.


New reporting from the New York Times offers a behind-the-scenes look at how Supreme Court conservatives orchestrated the overturning of Roe v. Wade with the Dobbs decision. Mark Joseph Stern, senior writer for Slate, talks with Alex Wagner about how the repeated scandals and unscrupulous behavior of conservatives on the Roberts court is compromising the Supreme Court's credibility and standing with the American public.



Anonymous ID: 430a53 May 14, 2024, 2:21 p.m. No.20866803   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

" โ€œWhat did father and daughter talk about, all day and night? Those days and nights, rather.


Noone can say. All we know is that Ishtar left laden with gifts. A hundred and five powers. She looked on with a stern gaze as they were placed one by one in the Boat of Heaven. But how could she see them? You mustnโ€™t suppose that the powers were as they are now: invisible. On the contrary, they were often things that you could touch. Talismans, people used to call them. But what were those powers? And why were there so many?


โ€œLet me list some of the most important for you: the power to go down to the Underworld and come back; the use of the sexual organs.

Ea explained: wisdom in handling the phallus.

Ishtar answered: โ€˜I accept.โ€™


But that was only the beginning. There were

many others: the art of working wood; the art of the scribe; attention; kindling fires; procreation;

judgment; betrayal; deceit; black clothing; colored clothing; the banner; the quiver; the kiss; hypocrisy; the tavern; song; treachery; pillage; the lament; prosperity; architecture; the oblation; deference; lying; victory; makeup. And these are only some of those one hundred and five powers.


What I call powers were once called mes, a word that later lost its clarity. The mes [singular 'me'] are at once powers and laws. Or rules. A destiny.


When Ishtar, who was still called Inanna then, went down to the Underworld, she was wearing seven mes. They included a crown, some jewels, a cloak.


How can one hold a law or a power in oneโ€™s hand? When a ceremony was performed without any mistakes, people said that the mes had been accomplished. "


-Roberto Calasso

The Tablet of Destinies