Anonymous ID: 7075d5 May 14, 2024, 3 p.m. No.20866928   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6942

Now That Aid Is Approved, Biden Admin Is Happy to Say Ukraine Will Win

Leaked talking points for Secretary of State Blinken's visit to Ukraine this week anticipate Ukraine will "operate independently following the war"; and warns against using the word "resilient" May 14, 20241/2


The Biden administration believes that Ukraine will win in its war against Russia, internal talking points for Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s trip to the war ravaged country this week say. The document, obtained by a source close to the State Department and revealed here for the first time, lays out the “communications guidance” for Blinken’s trip to Ukraine beginning on Monday and going through Thursday.

The messaging, which says that Secretary Blinken will deliver a speech on how “the United States and Allies will help Ukraine to operate independently following the war,” contradicts public warnings from the administration about Ukraine losing the war — warnings that the administration used to pressure Congress into approving aid.

“ Overview”

“Secretary Blinken will travel to Kyiv May 13-16 to reinforce U.S. support for Ukraine following the recent passing of the Ukraine aid supplemental bill. While in Kyiv, the Secretary will participate in several bilateral meetings with President Zelenskyy, Prime Minister Shmyhal, and Foreign Minister Kuleba. The Secretary will also deliver a speech that highlights the significance of providing aid to Ukraine, supporting Ukraine's economic recovery, what's at stake, and underscore how support from the United States and Allies will help Ukraine to operate independently following the war.”

“Ukraine’s survival is in danger,”


Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said in March. “So I leave here today fully determined to keep U.S. security assistance and ammunition flowing, and that’s a matter of survival and sovereignty for Ukraine and it’s a matter of honor and security for America.”


CIA Director William Burns has gone even further, saying that the Ukrainians could use the war by the end of the year if aid wasn’t passed.


“Without supplemental assistance, the picture is a lot more dire,” Burns said in April testimony to Congress “There is a very real risk that the Ukrainians could lose on the battlefield by the end of 2024, or at least put Putin in a position where he could dictate the terms of a political settlement.”


Last month, Congress passed a $61 billion aid package for Ukraine and Israel. With the funding secured, the administration’s alarmist rhetoric has disappeared, culminating in Secretary Blinken’s speech this week.


The trip objectives are to “reinforce confidence in Ukraine’s ability to prevail” and trumpet the passing of the Ukraine aid supplemental by Congress, the document says. The United States, the document further states, supports a “comprehensive, just, and lasting peace based on full respect for Ukraine’s independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity, with its internationally recognized borders,” which includes both Crimea and the Donbas regions.


“ Trip Objectives

• Reinforce confidence in Ukraine's ability to prevail. Signal continued help is arriving.

• Underline enduring U.S. support for Ukraine's self-defense and deterrence against future aggression, its ongoing recovery efforts, and preserving its strong democracy.

• Emphasize Ukraine's Euro-Atlantic aspirations and their future in NATO and the European Union.

• Highlight U.S. support for a comprehensive, just, and lasting peace based on full respect for Ukraine's independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity, within its internationally recognized borders and consistent with the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter…

Anonymous ID: 7075d5 May 14, 2024, 3:05 p.m. No.20866942   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6956



According to the State Department, the “target audiences” for Blinken’s three-day visitincludes Ukrainians in the country and in the diaspora and “international and domestic journalists covering the trip,” but not the American people or Congress, not directly.


“ Target Audiences

• Ukrainians in Ukraine, and the diaspora throughout Europe and beyond.

• NATO Allies and partners including the European Union.

• International and domestic journalists covering the trip.

• Congressional leaders and policy makers focused on Ukrainian issues and U.S.-Ukraine policy.

• The document also says that Blinken should “encourage hope without downplaying the hardship Ukrainians face under Russian aggression.”

• “Refrain from using the word ‘resilient’ when messaging to Ukrainians,” the talking points caution, “which can be interpreted as ‘Get used to it.’”


“ Communications Guidance

Support for Ukraine: Continue to emphasize enduring U.S. support for Ukraine and the significance of the recent passing on the supplemental funding package for Ukraine.

Ukraine-Specific Language:

• Encourage hope without downplaying the hardship

Ukrainians face under Russian aggression.

• Refrain from using the word "resilient" when messaging to Ukrainians, which can be interpreted as "Get used to it."

• Russia-Specific Language: Talk about why supporting Ukraine to defend itself from

• Russia's aggression is the right thing to do. When speaking about Russian atrocities, frame messaging in terms of war crimes, justice, and accountability.

• Keep making the case that Ukrainians continue to suffer under Russia's invasion.


I’ve included a copy of the document in PDF form below.

Anonymous ID: 7075d5 May 14, 2024, 3:14 p.m. No.20866989   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6992 >>7369 >>7431

Federal Judge Tosses Biden Admin's Effort to Stop Media Censorship Lawsuit


Monday, 13 May 20241/2


A lawsuit that claims the State Department unlawfully used "censorship enterprises that target the American press" — favoring left-leaning media outlets over conservative news sites — is moving ahead after a federal judge rejected the Biden administration’s attempt to dismiss the case.


Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, The Daily Wire, and The Federalist filed a joint lawsuit against the Biden administration’s State Department in December over its alleged funding of technologies that essentially work to blacklist conservative media outlets.


The complaint argued that the State Department uses its Global Engagement Center to finance the development and promotion of left-wing media monitoring organizations, including NewsGuard and the UK-based Global Disinformation Index, in "one of the most egregious government operations to censor the American press in the history of the nation."


On Tuesday, U.S. District Judge Jeremy Kernodle in Tyler, Texas, ruled that the plaintiffs had provided enough information to show they had standing to challenge the State Department's alleged actions.


Kernodle denied the Biden administration's request to dismiss the suit, tossed its request to move the case to a different venue, and ordered expedited discovery.


In his ruling, Kernodle cited allegations that the State Department's actions essentially encouraged social media companies to "deplatform" the Daily Wire and The Federalist in violation of a Texas state law, which prohibits censoring speech based on viewpoint.


NewsGuard, GDI, and other "disinformation" watchdog groups have a long history of systematically targeting conservative media outlets under the guise of combating misinformation.


Margot Cleveland, an attorney at the New Civil Liberties Alliance, which is representing Daily Wire and the Federalist in the case, told Newsmax that while the ruling is “only the first step in halting the State Department's unconstitutional and ultra vires conduct, it represents an important first step in this case.”


"That the Court opened his opinion by quoting the First Amendment is a valuable reminder of the stakes at issue," she said.


Kernodle’s ruling begins by quoting directly from the First Amendment and previous rulings that have bolstered the component’s importance to the Constitution.


"Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press," the order begins.


Cleveland added that while Daily Wire and The Federalist may be the only media plaintiffs involved in this specific case, the State Department's "censorship scheme threatens the freedom of the press of any American outlet that reports disfavored views, including Newsmax."


Paxton’s office called Kernodle's ruling an "important victory" in its lawsuit against the Biden administration's "conspiracy to censor, deplatform, and demonetize media outlets disfavored by the federal government."


"The Biden administration made a reprehensible attempt to censor the American press with funding intended to monitor foreign propaganda, aiming to repress viewpoints the federal government disagreed with," Paxton said in a statement.


"Abusing taxpayer money, Biden repurposed a government agency into a censorship apparatus. It must stop, and I am proud to lead the nation's fight to save the First Amendment."


His office issued a press release about the latest update in the case noted that even though the "Global Engagement Center" was “only authorized to counter foreign propaganda,” the State Department "actively intervened in the news-media market to limit the reach and business viability of domestic news organizations by funding censorship technology and private censorship enterprises."

Anonymous ID: 7075d5 May 14, 2024, 3:15 p.m. No.20866992   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7369 >>7431




"The agency unlawfully weaponized the center to violate the First Amendment and suppress Americans’ constitutionally protected speech," Paxton’s office alleged.


The Daily Wire previously reported that the Global Engagement Center was founded in 2011 as the Center for Strategic Counterterrorism Communications, where it was responsible for countering the propaganda of foreign terrorists like al-Qaida.


The initiative was renamed in 2016, however, it kept the same counterterrorism mission.


It’s stated mission is to "direct, lead, synchronize, integrate, and coordinate U.S. Federal Government efforts to recognize, understand, expose, and counter foreign state and non-state propaganda and disinformation efforts aimed at undermining or influencing the policies, security, or stability of the United States, its allies, and partner nations."


Congress has not authorized any funds to be used for purposes other than countering foreign propaganda and disinformation.


However, the suit contends that taxpayer dollars were used to pay for the services of companies that have a history of targeting conservative media outlets by limiting ad revenue.


To do so, GDI, which claims to be nonpolitical and nonpartisan, offers a "Dynamic Exclusion List" of global media outlets that it contends present a "high risk for disinformation."


While its blacklist is kept under wraps, it does publish its top 10 "riskiest" outlets, which have featured prominent conservative media outlets, including the Daily Wire, the Federalist, New York Post, and others.


The outlets deemed "least risky" are mostly left-leaning sites such as NPR, The New York Times, and The Washington Post.


GDI’s list is disseminated to major advertising companies for use in their decision-making process. Many ad platforms are using these blacklists to effectively de-monetize conservative and right-leaning media.


The complaint argues that GDI was "funded and promoted" by the State Department defendants named in the suit, including Secretary of State Antony Blinken and five other officials.


NewsGuard, which also reportedly received State Department funding, has negatively rated leading conservative outlets like the Washington Times, Newsmax, Breitbart, The Federalist, Epoch Times, Red State, PragerU, The Daily Wire, and others.


In a 2020 press release, NewsGuard touted winning a $25,000 Pentagon-State Department contest for “detecting COVID-19 misinformation and disinformation.”


NewsGuard has previously defended contracts it was awarded from the Biden administration.


In 2021, it received nearly $750,000 from the Pentagon.


In March 2023, the company told Newsmax that the particular contract was not "government funded."


"NewsGuard has been inaccurately described as a "U.S. government funded" entity — which is like saying Verizon is government-funded because some government agencies pay for its phone services," company spokesman Matt Skibinski said in an email to Newsmax.


"NewsGuard is a for-profit business. We sell licenses to clients to access our data about misinformation and disinformation sources and narratives.:


Skibinski claimed his organization was "proud" to have worked with the U.S. government to counter disinformation campaigns emanating from Russia, Venezuela, and China.


NewsGuard was found by businessman Steven Brill, a long time Democrat activist and donor who has backed candidates such as Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.


The Media Research Center in two annual studies found NewsGuard ratings were significantly biased against conservative media outlets in favor of more liberal ones.


The NewsGuard ratings. in turn, are used by major advertising agencies to effectively block conservative media from receiving advertising. Their ratings effectively works to demonetize conservative media.


Increasingly Congress has become concerned that NewsGuard engages in a privatized form of censorship on behalf of the government.


Last December, Congress passed a provision in the National Defense bill prohibiting the Pentagon from awarding military recruitment advertising to any advertising agency that uses “misinformation” services such as NewsGuard and GDI. President Biden signed the defense bill into law.

Anonymous ID: 7075d5 May 14, 2024, 3:32 p.m. No.20867051   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7065 >>7369 >>7431

Joe Biden Announces Tariffs on Non-Existent Products from Non-Existent Origination Country – Here’s Why


May 14, 2024 | Sundance1/2

It was predictable [SEE HERE] and it happened exactly as predicted.


BlackRock investment firm writes the regulatory and economic policy for Joe Biden’s administration. That’s the quid-pro-quo that maintains the Biden political financial operation. All of DC know it. No one does not know. The one’s who claim they do not know about it are all pretending. Republicans take the background BlackRock bribes and pretend.


BlackRock positioned massive investment assets inside Chinese auto manufacturers, MG, BYD, and Chery. The three Chinese companies are in the process of moving North American auto manufacturing to Mexico, specifically to make EV’s. The Chinese EV’s made in Mexico will come into the U.S market tariff free under the USMCA trade agreement. China and BlackRock will make billions.


Today Joe Biden announced a series of tariffs against China in the EV industry. [SEE HERE]The Chinese EV’s are not being made in China. The tariff regime is a farce a total joke.

Pic 1

Biden might as well be announcing tariffs on Chinese swimming pools flown into the USA via hot air balloon. There will be more Chinese swimming pools delivered from China than Chinese EV’s. The Chinese EV’s come from Mexico. The tariff is fake.


WHITE HOUSE […] To further encourage China to eliminate the acts, policies, and practices at issue, and to counteract the burden or restriction of these acts, policies, and practices, the Trade Representative shall modify the two actions to increase section 301 ad valorem rates of duty for the following products from China:


• Battery parts (non-lithium-ion batteries): Increase rate to 25 percent in 2024;

• Electric vehicles: Increase rate to 100 percent in 2024;

Lithium-ion electrical vehicle batteries: Increase rate to 25 percent in 2024;

• Lithium-ion non-electrical vehicle batteries: Increase rate to 25 percent in 2026;

• Natural graphite: Increase rate to 25 percent in 2026;

• Other critical minerals: Increase rate to 25 percent in 2024; (read more)


None of this stuff is coming from China. It is all coming from Mexico via transnational shippingand Chinese manufacturing in Mexico. [Check Date]


Pic 2


On the EV issue, this tariff approach is politically duplicitous by Biden against the backdrop of massive investment in Mexico by the three largest Chinese EV automakers. Last December the three Chinese auto manufacturers, MG, BYD, and2 Chery, announced they were going to spend billions building new EV manufacturing plants in Mexico. Each Chinese auto manufacturer was going to spend between $1.5 to $2.0 billion.


Those Mexican built Chinese EV’s would pass into the USA market under current USMCA trade rules and regulations, as long as they technically meet the material origination rules. This can make tariffs against the Chinese imported EVs a moot point, because China will be making them in Mexico (North American trade agreement).


One of the reasons President Trump said the U.S. auto industry would suffer a “bloodbath,” is specifically because the current Chinese auto companies are targeting these EV’s in the $10,000 or less range. If you want to see what it looks like when cheap Chinese EV’s start to flood a consumer market, visit Russia – the western sanctions have only increased this flow. I can see it clear as day….

Anonymous ID: 7075d5 May 14, 2024, 3:35 p.m. No.20867065   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7319 >>7369 >>7431



China plans to pump out thousands of cheap, what I would consider semi-disposable, electric cars into the USA market. That’s why they have invested so heavily in Mexico. Keep in mind,Blackcock(a Biden benefactor investment firm) is enmeshed with this Chinese move.


This tariff claim by the Biden administration on “import Chinese EV’s” is optics only for political benefit. Whereas the 100% tariffs proposed by Donald Trump specifically target Chinese EV’s made in Mexico.


Stand back and elevate your thinking on this Chinese EV issue; the substance of it is a consequence of a much larger dynamic.It is somewhat of a self-fulfilling prophecy.


There is a cleaving underway, a dedollarization that continues in global trade. Nations are no longer relying (dependent) on dollars as the baseline for trade parity; they are determining their own nation to nation trade valuations outside the use of the dollar as a benchmark.


The result of this dedollarization taking place is massive inflation inside the USA that continues as the dollar (yellow zone) is weakened against the increasingly non-dollar-aligned world (grey zone). The frequency of dollar use is lessening as alternatives are being used.


Trade into the yellow zone still requires a benchmark of dollars, but bilateral trade within the grey zone increasingly does not. This is the root of the global financial and economic cleaving. Mexico is not stupid.

Pic 3


China is trying to position their transportation sector (auto, planes, trains and mass transit manufacturing) as Apple manufacturing is to cell phone use. Some of these disposable Chinese electric vehicles are actually impressive, which makes sense when you consider that China steals the engineering and design elements from knuckleheaded western corporations who use China for industrial manufacturing (see Tesla etc).

Pic 4