Anonymous ID: d4a352 May 14, 2024, 3:07 p.m. No.20866952   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6969 >>7010 >>7369 >>7431

Malcolm Roberts 🇦🇺




I'm proud to have co-signed this letter urging Prime Minister Anthony Albanese to reject the WHO Pandemic Treaty and proposed changes to the International Health Regulations. This is a stance I've long advocated for and, in fact, was the first member of parliament to call for a WHO Exit, focusing on prioritising the well-being of Australians above unelected bureaucrats.


Despite the proposals being water down recently, the fact the WHO suggested them in the first place is reason enough for us to completely #ExitTheWho and put #AustraliansFirst.


Craig Kelly






When only 5 of 65 Liberal Party members in the Federal Parliament are prepared to sign a letter calling on the government not to sign the WHO global pandemic treaty - what’s the point of anyone voting Liberal ?


When it comes to selling out Australia’s sovereignty to the WHO globalists - Labor & Liberal are the UniParty.


Senator Babet




Today I, along with:


Senator Alex Antic, Senator for South Australia


Senator Pauline Hanson, Senator for Queensland


Senator Hon Matt Canavan, Senator for Queensland


Senator Malcolm Roberts, Senator for Queensland


Senator Matthew O'Sullivan, Senator for Western Australia


Terry Young MP, Member for Longman


Tony Pasin MP, Member for Barker


Russell Broadbent MP, Member for Monash


Colin Boyce MP, Member for Flynn


Hon Luke Howarth MP, Member for Petrie


Hon David Gillespie MP, Member for Lyne


Hon Barnaby Joyce MP, Member for New England


Llew O'Brien MP, Member for Wide Bay


Signed an open letter to the Prime Minister regarding the "WHO Pandemic Treaty".


The treaty poses a significant threat to Australia's autonomy and independence.


We call on the government to reject International Health Regulations amendments and the WHO pandemic treaty.


The vote is likely to take place on 27th May 2024.

Anonymous ID: d4a352 May 14, 2024, 3:11 p.m. No.20866969   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7369 >>7431


Champagne Joshi




While we have been worrying about the WHO Pandemic Treaty and the threats to liberty it poses, the United States Government has a plan to seize control of the “Global Health Security Agenda”.


$30 Billion for a worldwide plan with cross coordination between 70 governments with US agencies like the HHS and USAID taking the lead.


So even if the WHO Treaty fails it doesn’t mean the power grab goes away. Read this 64 page report and tell me I’m wrong.

Anonymous ID: d4a352 May 14, 2024, 3:22 p.m. No.20867019   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7369 >>7431




Craig Kelly


SYDNEY : The great replacement has commenced.


The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) population data for the 2022-23 financial year revealed that 38,425 residents left Sydney over the year.


In the same period, record migration resulted in 156,616 net overseas migrant arrivals in Sydney.


Since 2001, Sydney’s population has increased by 1.35 million people, nearly entirely due to net overseas migration.


This is madness.


Yet weak, cowardly & gutless Labor & Liberal politicians attempt to blame "lack of supply" for the exodus of Sydney families from the city.


Australia must slash migration numbers, but only ONE NATION has the courage to say that.

Anonymous ID: d4a352 May 14, 2024, 4:15 p.m. No.20867288   🗄️.is đź”—kun


David Weiss? "My investigation is limited to my home town in Delaware"…


The Weiss special counsel investigation is an ongoing criminal investigation into Hunter Biden, the son of U.S. President Joe Biden. Attorney General Merrick Garland announced the appointment of Delaware United States attorney David Weiss as the special counsel on August 11, 2023, three days after Weiss requested such authority.

Weiss special counsel investigation - Wikipedia


Hunter Prosecutor David Weiss RESPONDS to Whistleblower Claims