Because his name is Bob. Duh
Terrible idea.
Thank you for not being a cry baby about my reply to you. I hate sugar coating things. you sir…You are alright.
Exactly. Very smart
Can I tell you all what just happened?
My 14 year old son just came up to me and said:
"You know how I get bullied at school all the time? Well, when it happens, all I think about is how much I hate it & wish it would stop & I wish I could just disappear.
But then I come home & you're sitting here always with a positive attitude even when things suck & it makes me happy again.
I just wanted to say thank you before it was too late."
WHAT THE HECK MAN! I love that kid.
He wasn't using his brian
The Clap?
Exactly. Newfags need to chill the fuck out