Anonymous ID: bf2948 May 14, 2024, 4:56 p.m. No.20867508   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7515

How To Recognize a Secret Spanish Jew by His Marrano Accent


The Jewish Forward:


Dr. William Greenfield of Libertyville, Ill., asks: “Are you familiar with George Borrow’s identifying a living marrano in 19th-century Spain by his speech pattern? It’s in his book ‘The Bible in Spain.’”


George Borrow (1803–1881) was a British travel book writer, novelist, accomplished linguist and devout Christian who worked for many years for the Bible Society of Great Britain, disseminating Holy Scripture in non-Protestant European countries whose laity was not encouraged by clergy to read it. Five of these years, from 1835 to 1840, were spent in Spain, resulting in memoirs published in 1843.


Excerpt:……The mysterious figure, whose “home name” turns out to be the typically Jewish one of Abarbanel, is indeed a marrano, a Spaniard living, along with his family and close friends, a secret Jewish existence 350 years after the expulsion of the Jews from Spain.


He speaks freely to Borrow about this, and even uses the Hebrew word ru’aḥ , an evil spirit, while describing a case of demonic possession. This was a word that only a marrano could have known.



Anonymous ID: bf2948 May 14, 2024, 5:25 p.m. No.20867630   🗄️.is 🔗kun

JEWISH CHRONICLE (UK's oldest Jewish newspaper), April 13, 2007, p.9


Marranos Out of Hiding


A Community in Portugal that spent 500 years living as Marranos, or hidden Jews, has enjoyed a special Pesach thanks to two US educators.


In 1992, the Marrano community of Belmonte in Northern Portugal officially converted back to Judaism.


Sauce: the Jewish Chronicle

Anonymous ID: bf2948 May 14, 2024, 5:49 p.m. No.20867719   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ukraine Admits Frontlines In Kharkiv Are Collapsing


For the first time since Russia launched its major cross-border offensive into Ukraine's Kharkiv region (it began last Friday), Ukraine's government has acknowledged that Moscow forces have made rapid gains.


Oleg Sinegubov, the head of the military administration of the Kharkov Region, has said Russia is pushing past the frontline. "Essentially, the frontline is expanding as the enemy is advancing from multiple positions," he admitted during an interview with Sky News.


This confirms a prior Associated Press observation which stated that "Ukraine’s lack of adequate defensive lines has helped Russia make significant military gains, and constant enemy fire hinders building."


As for the lack of fortifications, it is widely believed that last year Kiev was so optimistic about the chances of its counteroffensive that defensive outposts were not prioritized. In essence Ukrainian officials bought into their own propaganda, which was also being widely echoed in the West.


Video from Vovchansk in the Kharkiv region. Very difficult to watch.


”Vovchansk is turning into another Bakhmut”, Kharkiv regional police.


“In 3 days, the city has suffered in a way that has not suffered since 2022. The police, the State Emergency Service, the emergency and…

— Natalka (@NatalkaKyiv) May 13, 2024



Anonymous ID: bf2948 May 14, 2024, 6:33 p.m. No.20867875   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7898


1913 Christmas Eve when most of Congress was home, their puppet Swamp voted in the Federal Reserve Act which took the power to create money AWAY from our US Treasury and gave it to themselves.

Then turned America into the Cabal's debt slave and forced the Income Tax on us making all Americans the Jewish Banking Cartel's slaves for life.


Although I think the "Federal" Reserve system has been taken down because the main Fed Bank in Washington DC has been locked and a green tarp fence draped over its fence perimeter for a couple years now.

Anonymous ID: bf2948 May 14, 2024, 6:40 p.m. No.20867912   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Remember the HIAS map of the HIAS centers allllll along the migrant route from South America through Central America and assisting the third world invaders all the way up through Mexico into the US.

Anonymous ID: bf2948 May 14, 2024, 6:50 p.m. No.20867955   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7982 >>8132


Wall St area's been a ghost town since the 2020 lockdown. All the business areas are, vacant office bldgs.

The real estate developers won't admit it, and the Cabal owned MSM will only admit that the office bldgs are "half" vacant but the delinquent rate is moar like 80%.


The one and only honest article was in NY Magazine.


Anonymous ID: bf2948 May 14, 2024, 7:01 p.m. No.20867995   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8004


they're open but how many workers are going in and out?

In Midtown, office bldgs are dead. Lunchtime, 5pm, 6pm normally should have tons of people going in and out.

Delis and coffee shops at lunchtime - empty.


It's waaay worse than they're letting on.

What's never mentioned in the MSM is the ton of small businesses that went bankrupt during the Convid lockdown.

The officeial excuse is the "Working from Home" trope to explain the empty office bldgs.


Empty storefronts all over Manhattan.


Also Ed Dowd said that the mRNA clot shots killed 33 Million Americans. So far.