Nothing different
Again: The only tactic they have ever had with any effect is using anons against anons. That hunger for new bread.
The muh joo tends to get tossed, but start arguments or anything anyway that eats bread to push goodies into Previously Collected and then the archives.
Yes, indeed, still there, but they need memory-hole
Honestly anons, who comes up on the board and bothers to look further than the three previous breads? Ever look at the Previously Collected section?
The "provoke an emotional response" they used at the beginning to drive away newfags and discourage new bakers lost so much traction when oldfags pointed out just what was going on
Here's where a shill tends to scream "copypasta" but still valid methinks:
Same playbook:
Attack Jim W if and when possible, when that fails
Attack BO, when that fails
Attack BVs, when that fails
Attack Bakers, when that fails
Attack anons in general, when that fails
Attack specific anon, when that fails
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The muh joo has no real effect, and lately zonked
They know that
The muh mason same thing
They know that
The fedboi Maga Patriots (insert suffix) and the AI Warfare and the older "black african negroid" that for some reason even explained to them they still don't get (other than waste bread knowing real anons get a chuckle out of the stupidity)
One more time: They need to waste bread to bury goodies. Not just duplication between Day Shift and Graveyard. The minion's masters need stuff buried because they cannot have the exposure. That part about "can't walk down the street" is real. Wealth comes to them via Power and Influence. once exposed those are gone and their "friends" and "allies' will bail to save their own asses. Did anons forget the Hollyweird Pdiddy stuff already? Oprah connected to them and Harvey Weinstein?
{{{they]]] need anons distracted and need those memory-holed posts. Survival mechanism has kicked in. Anons saw the shills revert to 2018/2019 tactics when {{{they}}} thought they could outsource to avoid blue hairs wanting Maternity leave to give birth to an infected piercing
Came back to Media Matters and ShareBlue rather quick didn't it?
Anons come in, post goodies and memes so the victims of the "Publik Educatshun Sistum" can see.
And then the shitposts. Demoralization shills try here and there, seems a Contractual Obligation since all these years they know it won't deter Anons
Somehow the Internet and networked Banking and all the other stuff was to consolidate Control
Anons turned that shit on them. "ten days" of no Net and no MSM (not that I listen anymore)? Cool by me. Won't see me staring at a phone begging for bars and have seen way too many anons over the years that won't either.
Anons are a force {{{they}}} never saw coming. The elites now have never faced such a challenge and are too arrogant and ignorant to have a clue as how to react as their ancestors would have.