If anon 'members correctly…
"UP is DOWN, LEFT is RIGHT" or somethink.
So try this, flip the img to get the MIRROR, then flip the mirror & what'ch got?
ANS: a f'n really wierdass piccy, but dat's chucky right? in an ALL read piccy.
If anon 'members correctly…
"UP is DOWN, LEFT is RIGHT" or somethink.
So try this, flip the img to get the MIRROR, then flip the mirror & what'ch got?
ANS: a f'n really wierdass piccy, but dat's chucky right? in an ALL read piccy.
Comms is comms, right?
21guns = something ded? / died?
add in some: 17th @ 10:00am add "indy" add "Castle" add 11:30am add lotsa flags add "tallship" add a "tugboat" add 11:37 post and…
forget it, move along nothing to see 'ere, anon has been looking at to many titty pics & is a mental retard anyhow, move along…
>“While taxiing, its winglet contacted a parked and unoccupied corporate jet,” the FAA said. “The incident occurred in an area of the airport where the FAA does not direct aircraft. The FAA is investigating.”
>A winglet is a short fin that projects upward from the wing of an aircraft. They are used to reduce aerodynamic drag.
a BS story. as says a WINGLET is an UPWARDS pointing extention to a BIG planes wing. How da fook could it hit an eeny-weeny tiny low level corp jet?
Yea heard that one, per wiki it's where I see something (YOU) can NOT, or refuse to, or nuffinburger right?
>learns pareidolia from wiki…
>the absolute state of humanity.
absolutely. humanity is upside down, inverted & totally fucked. So 'wiki' as a "sauce" is prob as anti-info / actually as anything. a benchmark none the less. Prob less better than getting brainfood from a nutty proffessor at a uni with a lifetime debt who sells own books to confirm he is the oracle. if professors were any good at anything the would do good sh!t rather than taking kids $$$ via books/loans in exchange for mind f'cking kids with PROPOGANDA.
what the actual F is a "source" anyhow?
simple: "reality is 90% perception" it's what ever YOU think it might be. wiki just makes a fairly consistant benchmark in BS
>Wikipedia…is not a source per say
Agree, I said it was a "benchmark" of "info". Usually has lotsa dig worth links as you say, even if the info has / does get twisted. and it's easier than looking up Britannica or world almanac etc. the INTENT, originally of wiki was same as HTML, ie a "user" can add/create/ distribute info & add "comments" etc. sadly for wiki (& html) those "additions'/edits" usually have bias & a lot of msm style 'tweaks"/political input in interpretation. aka propoganda. but as you say still a starting point. sorta same-same as msm