Anonymous ID: b54b5c May 14, 2024, 10:22 p.m. No.20868515   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8523 >>8586 >>8600

The Symbol of the Russian Forces Is the "Rune of Gungnir" or the "Spear of Odin"


The new symbol of the Russian military forces "North" operating in Northeastern Ukraine has caused a great debate in Russia and in various circles internationally.


According to Norse mythology, it is a weapon that does not miss and is capable of hitting any target.


This symbol has great historical significance for Russians.


Historically, the Varangian warriors of Svyatoslav (Ancient Russia) marked their weapons and armor with such runes and symbols when they went to war against the Khazarian Khaganate. (Khazar is present day Ukraine)


There is no longer any doubt that Russia knows who its real enemy is and is preparing for global conflict.


The Khazars (Ashkenazi) are a White-Mongolian branch which in the past had a large state, and where during the 8th century AD converted to Judaism en masse.


The former state of the Khazars was overthrown by the Russians, who for this reason consider them eternal enemies.


Today, the Khazars essentially do not have their own state as a national cradle. That is why they have as their homelandโ€ฆ.capital, with a political ideology [of] international capitalism.


They play a leading role in many Western countries that are currently at war with Russia.



Anonymous ID: b54b5c May 14, 2024, 10:34 p.m. No.20868535   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Victoria fuck-the-EU cookie doling Nuland's husband is Robert Kagan.


The Ashkenazi's converted to Judaism when they were in Khazar, and the Kings of Khazar were called Khagan. so Nuland's fat husband Robert Kagan may have high level bloodline ties within the System.


Could be reason why she was put in a powerful State Dept position which directs our ZOG military to send our money to the Cabal ZOG owned Ukraine.

Anonymous ID: b54b5c May 14, 2024, 11:22 p.m. No.20868592   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8597 >>8599


Elon Musk is very high up in the (Satanic) System, according to Jesse Czebotar who was trained for the tip top position of Queen Mother of Darkness.

She said that Elon Musk was in her inner training circle, and that she also witnessed him in the Hierarchy boys' 12 year old ritual which is when the Hierarchy boys are no longer considered children.

Held in that VanderBilt "pool" which she said is a boat cleaning space. The 12 year old ritual is in her words "a bloodbath."


Notice how these 4 have been paraded with the title of "Richest Man in the World" :


Bill Gates ย - Crypto Jew . His mother was a Maxwell, related to Mossad Robert Maxwell, father of Ghislaine Maxwell.


Mark Zuckerberg - admitted in MSM that that's not his real last name, that he chose the name "Zucker ย  berg." Real father unknown.

Ben Fulford said that his MI6 and Mossad sources told him that Mark Zuckerberg is the grandson of David Rockefeller.


Jeff Bezos - from garage to global position. Mother is Jewish, bio father unknown. Known for Amazon, then suddenly it comes out that Amazon is one of the biggest Cloud computing services, and Bezos' Amazon Cloud has US Gov't contract where all the CIA servers uses his Cloud.


Elon Musk - his childhood babysitter of many years gave one interview, on Jessie Czebotar's ytube channel a couple years ago. (which means vetted by Jesse or she wouldn't allow it)

Babysitter "Shalom Girl" said that when Elon was age 7 or 8, she saw Elon Musk open a portal. As she grabbed him, they were both sucked into portal where she saw 2 huge terrifying creatures.

Also said that his mother Maye Musk always called him Elyon, not Elon.


*Side note- in Hebrew "Elyon means God most high.


***Notice how during the tenure of Each of these 4 "Richest Men" in the World , they get daily MSM exposure where their every fart is glorified.


The first three couldn't get much popularity:


Bill Gates: dull, clammy and py wimpy looking

Jeff Bezos: freakish face with that bulging eye that looks in a different direction

Mark Zuckerberg: Stiff robot, psychopathic unblinking dead eyes


Elon Musk: Finally one with some charisma and wit. Flip flops on issues so does not offend either side, making him moar likeable to the Sheeple. but remember that he was very chummy with Obama and got $$$Billions during Hussein's "Green Energy" scam policy.

Anonymous ID: b54b5c May 14, 2024, 11:36 p.m. No.20868608   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8613 >>8614 >>8623


Starting about a year ago, Jesse said that "rumors" are that Elon Musk had turned to the Light side.


Jesse herself got out of the System. She became a Chaplain and helps homeless Veterans.

Her teenage son was mysteriously killed 2 1/2 years ago, about a year after she went public an d did regular interviews on ytube. (After testifying at the Federal level about the System's child trafficking and other horrific things)


Side note- she also said that within the System, there is a Light side AND a dark side.


I hope he did turn to the Light side. but he still could be a Trojan Horse.


Remember in Revelation, the Anti-Christ is described as "he will be liked by all."

Anonymous ID: b54b5c May 14, 2024, 11:48 p.m. No.20868622   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8625


No coinkidinks.


Ukraine was supposed to be Israel 2.0 but not going too well for the Khazarian Jews because Russia has Hypersonic nuclear missiles.


Every day now Russia is taking chunks of territory back.

If you want to see their progress, go to warnews.24/7 site auto translates to English.

Shows videos of Russian bombs on Ukrainaina troops ,equipment ,military depots etc.


MSM will only show when Ukraine drops a drone on a Russiancivilian apartment bldg in Belgorod.

Same with the Bakers here achkshually, they're pro-Ukraine and will not Note anything favorable to Russia's winning in Ukraine.


The reality is that Russia is kicking Zelensky's butt every day.

Zelensky is "discussing" moving the capitol from Kiev to Lviv. that's a retreat capitualtion of the Capitol of Ukraine.


Anon thinks that Russia will take Kharkiv within 7-10 days. It's a straight line to Kiev.

Anonymous ID: b54b5c May 15, 2024, 12:07 a.m. No.20868649   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


>So if I want to be a Christian I got to believe that.


It's ackshuaally what the Satanic System believes. They've used Hollywood and Media to denegrate Christianity, while they know its truth.


If you check out Jessie's 3 years of testimony on ytube she describes what they do and believe.


Just know that they have fed us LIES, the biggest one is that God is not real and that spiritual power is absurd. Meanwhile, they study their Heirarchy children from birth to look for those what Jesse calls "spiritual gifts".

Such as the ability to see forward in time, to see and hear into other dimensions. This is the MOST precious quality that the elite rulers of thsi world want, while they condition the Sheeple to ridicule it so that you do not know your own power, nor your connection to the Creator.


Power for them, but not for thee.

Anonymous ID: b54b5c May 15, 2024, 12:16 a.m. No.20868652   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


All Hierarchy high level people have normal "cover lives".


Jesse said that at around age 4- 5, hierarchy kids are chosen for the future positions within the System.

Training starts then and they are fully trained by age 10 to take that position, in case something habbens to the person that they will succeed.


Jesse said that throughout her entire childhood, she got 2 to 3 hours of sleep each night.

Training daytime and nighttime. Intense stuff.


Not just paypal and games, he also has 5,000 Satellites around the world right now, and thousands moar planned.


As we were all told, Zucker berg created Facebook in his dorm room, but now we all know it was created by DARPA.


Look deeper behind the cover lies. Deception is the game.

If you're really interested in Elyon musk, look up Jesse's interviews where she described what goes on at the 12 year old boys ritual in that tiled pool.

Stay gullible or learn how they deceive everyone. Your choice.