>Humans cannot survive passing the van Allen radiation belt
They said they didn´t go through the thickest part.
How would you know?
it´s kinda big deal to do it. no need for it really. now we´re doing more, prep for Mars basically.
I figure long distances to Mars won´t be possible without centrefuge of some kind. No gravity and human body are not good friends.
How can you be so sure that they couldn´t have gone?
They went to orbit, that´s a fact. Need a reason why they couldn´t go from there to the Moon, something else than VanAllen.
yeah, but why?
> It was a failure, and now we're stuck.
>There was a guy swimming in nuclear cooling pools to prove Nuclear Waste is a govt scam.
>Ever even hear of Slovakia
They just turned down the new WHO amendment, or whatever it´s called.