Anonymous ID: 02b88d May 16, 2024, 2:46 p.m. No.20875426   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5431 >>5451 >>5463

HISTORIC FIRST: Hezbollah Launches "AIR-STRIKE" Against Israel


A Hezbollah airstrike just targeted a group of Israeli soldiers in a settlement near Lebanon. I repeat, A HEZBOLLAH AIRSTRIKE.


This is wild! We officially entered a new era of resistance. Lebanon suddenly isn't joking around.


Drones armed with missiles. The drone fired the missiles at a precise target before detonating itself against a different target.


First time ever!


Below, an FILE PHOTO image of the type of Drone used today by Hezbollah. It carries separate missiles!


One of the targets hit today by Hezbollah Drones: a $175 Million "Spy Balloon" which Israel used to surveil its North.




In less than 24 hours, Hezbollah:


Destroyed the Israeli spy balloon covering the north

Disabled Israel's largest spy balloon

Used for the first time one-way drones launching air-to-surface missiles

Struck the Elbit facility

Not to mention killed, wounded, Israeli soldiers



Anonymous ID: 02b88d May 16, 2024, 2:52 p.m. No.20875441   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5454 >>5463 >>5521

Hezbollah Drone Targets Israel's Largest Spy Balloon


Reports said on Thursday that an important and sensitive center belonging to the Israeli air force was targeted by a Hezbollah kamikaze drone.


The newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth wrote that the control center of Israel's largest espionage balloon Sky Dew, Tal Shamayim in Hebrew, was hit and damaged by Hezbollah.


The Zionist regime's television reported that the explosives-laden drone infiltrated the western areas of the Sea of Galilee and detonated inside a military base.


The Lebanese Islamic Resistance issued a statement on Wednesday saying that it had targeted part of the Israeli air force's surveillance and detection systems at the Ilaniya Base military base using a suicide drone.


Hezbollah and Israeli forces have been exchanging fire on almost daily basis since the occupying regime launched its genocidal war against Palestinians in Gaza early in October last year.



Anonymous ID: 02b88d May 16, 2024, 3:06 p.m. No.20875475   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5484


2 different sauces.

Hal took the photo from the IRNA site.


Hal Turner 2 weeks ago said his Intel told him that Russia was planning to "Kharkiv and Sumy".


5 days ago, the BBC reported that Russian troops went across the border into Kharkiv and had taken 62 Miles of Kharkiv territory.


Hal's Intel proved prescient and CORRECT.


Note: the IRNA post is a news outlet and quotes some Israeli newspaper.


So you're just hating his articles because you him personally, but your Ad Hominem argument is without merit.


Cabal MSM will never show any Truth about Israel nor Ukraine losing. Guess why?


Same with some Bakers here who are pro-Israel and pro-Ukraine.

Anonymous ID: 02b88d May 16, 2024, 3:12 p.m. No.20875493   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5505 >>5506 >>5524


The kid in the air is wearing the Israeli flag.


They put it in your face, Goyeem!


But the rogue state of Israel won't be around for much longer.

Every nation in the world wants Palestine back to the Palestinians: Judea back to the original Judeans.

Judea was changed to "Palestine" to disguise this fact that these "Palestinians" are ackshuallly Judeans.

Anonymous ID: 02b88d May 16, 2024, 3:19 p.m. No.20875518   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5586


You cannot refute ANY of Henry Makow's evidence, because he uses ackshual documentation from leading Jews of their day.


Hal Turner has already been proven CORRECT , you just hate him because you're a Jewshilltard.


Ben Fulford has decades long credentials in journalism. He was the Asia head of Forbes magazine for 23 years before he went independent.

His father was the Ambassador to Japan, so Ben grew up around Prime Ministers, Presidents, and other heads of state. but you've heard this before.


Ben's sources are MI-6, Mossad, the Pentagon and FSB. While you have NONE, except your hatred of the Truth about Cabal owned states like Israel and Ukraine, BOTH of which are about to fall.


Gaslight and Ad HOminem while you still can.


The ENTIRE World is now against Israel.



Anonymous ID: 02b88d May 16, 2024, 3:24 p.m. No.20875541   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5549 >>5552


Nope, nearly ALL the nations in the UN 2 Fridays ago voted for Palestine to be a member state of the UN.

Basically the ONLY votes against it was Isn'treal and the ZOG owned US and a handful of small island nations like Palau, and Papua New Guinea.

Anonymous ID: 02b88d May 16, 2024, 3:29 p.m. No.20875567   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5594


>When I look and see who is pro Hamas and who is anti-Israel


You think ONLY the college kids are against Isreal murdering 15,000 women, children and babies?

You're a victim of TV and MSM itis.


anti-Genocide does not equate to "pro-Hamas"

False Equivalence brought to you by the KABAL Jewish MSM.


Don't be so gullible.


That's similar to the KABAL MSM Reeing that people who voted for Trump in 2016 are "Russian bots."