Anonymous ID: 9e6c2a July 8, 2018, 8:54 p.m. No.2087952   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7980 >>7984 >>8000 >>8011 >>8012 >>8013 >>8039 >>8086 >>8110 >>8114 >>8129 >>8218 >>8235 >>8245 >>8262 >>8335

really really interesting how BO posted the “LARP” posts but not this one, which explained the posts (i couldn’t talk about the article directly bc you attacked me for talking about the article which is why i asked questions instead) the same one that also called to question his credibility.

and then banned the only person asking such questions.

why are you so against this thing if it’s just a stupid article? whose fucking side are you on?


and i’m a girl btw. might as well dox myself since you’ll probably ban me on my other device as well

i have no reason to trust you.

there are tons of operatives on here. this is not a game. they were legitimate concerns but i guess no ones allowed to ask questions anymore. call me a shill a larp a clown whatever you want

i still love the real anons on here who made me feel like i finally found like minded individuals in this shitty world. god bless you all.

Anonymous ID: 9e6c2a July 8, 2018, 9:02 p.m. No.2088036   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8268


BO banned me last bread but only selectively showed my “larp” style posts and not the explanation i just reposted (i did not intentionally confuse anons. if that was my intention i would not have posted a long ass explanation obviously)

i’m on my phone

BO will probably ban me again for calling attention to the fact that the catalog is still frozen after days with no explanation :) doubt this will even post he’s probably banned me already

Anonymous ID: 9e6c2a July 8, 2018, 9:07 p.m. No.2088092   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8115 >>8185 >>8186 >>8346




see i’m not crazy or a shill or newfag or any other insult that’s been thrown at me just for liking this “stupid article”


i’m just passionate as all fuck about this movement - clearly so much so that i’m willing to dox myself

this is not a game guys

innocent people are depending on us to get the word out! Q said be heard and be loud that’s why i’ve been annoying! sigh.

thank you for your support, anon.

Anonymous ID: 9e6c2a July 8, 2018, 9:11 p.m. No.2088132   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8157 >>8179 >>8228


idk bc BO kept calling me a dude and it just started annoying me and i wanted to highlight i’m a normal trustworthy human being not a clown or larp in his mother’s basement like he painted me out to be


there’s really no reason for me to banned

i hope you guys see that

like was the mein kampf guy banned?? even aflb wasn’t but ME like i’m that much of a threat just bc i like this article and wanted anons to see it from a different perspective? just bc i really am concerned about the catalog being frozen? shit makes no sense

Anonymous ID: 9e6c2a July 8, 2018, 9:15 p.m. No.2088201   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8277


listen i understand your points completely. you’re not wrong but you’re not seeing the bigger picture. anyone outside of 8chan would not pick up on that stuff. no one outside of here even knows what a larp is lol.. this was not written for you it was written for your grandma and the people you went to high school with and your retired neighbor.. think bigger

it glorifies the movement

the first article that doesn’t say Q is dangerous or bullshit or denigrates his followers

i really really don’t wanna keep defending this thing i’m tired of repeating myself

what i’m more concerned with now is the possibility of this board being comped

but clearly no one else cares about that

Anonymous ID: 9e6c2a July 8, 2018, 9:22 p.m. No.2088271   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8282 >>8314


no i’m (one of) the BLP article spammers

no one gives a shit about Leo Wanta in the real world

tbh no one gives a shit about most of the “notables” on here

the american public likes to be entertained and that article was entertaining af

and bakers refused to put it in notables

Anonymous ID: 9e6c2a July 8, 2018, 9:26 p.m. No.2088327   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8344



not only does it link to the video, it mentions the tippy top proof (which NO ARTICLE EVER HAS), it shows photos of normal people wearing Q shirts at rallies which lends credibility to the movement and completely disrupts their “dangerous great unwashed hackers” narrative, and the ben garrison comic!!


and puts the emphasis on WE THE PEOPLE most importantly!! literally what more could we want?? just bc there’s a line in there about how Q could be a baker we discredit the otherwise PERFECT article?? that line had to be in there for plausible deniability

the second sentence says Q is an insider from the administration - right off the bat it starts with that


like come onnn people it’s not that difficult to put 2 and 2 together..