Anonymous ID: 16d4ef May 16, 2024, 11:34 p.m. No.20877057   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7075



Zebra Zebra


Understand this, she complained about sore feet before clots in the leg. Logical Thinking, she is already being targeted by radiation weapons. Usually this goes along with chemical such as cyanide and radiation to as a catalyst. Cyanide settles at the top of the foot and the toes and can cause cramping in the foot. Radiation is used to agitate the area to cause cramps or clotting and the feet are easy targets while laying down. As subjects are targeted at night while laying down, the radiation can move the cyanide up to the calves causing extreme cramps at blood clots levels. Another indication of cyanide for both men and women, but particularly those who do not lift weights is flab forming at the triceps and partially at the biceps. This is due to loss of muscle tissue deterioration from the cyanide, and subjects are prone to strokes in that area because the lymphatic system becomes clogged. As time progresses those same areas will look extremely thin and bony as the tissue is washed away.


Logical thinking, witnessing, and experience. Now lets get some of these SOBs. They are closer than you realize.