Anonymous ID: 7645fb May 16, 2024, 11:46 p.m. No.20877075   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7080 >>7086 >>7095



Q Team:


This is how they do it and have been doing this same thing for ages. Go analyze stroke victims and you will notice what I said about the flab our the triceps and biceps that clog the lymphatic system interfering with blood flow to the brain not the other way around. Chemicals and radiation weapons have been used by the Cabal, the Mafia, and their Nazi cronies since Children hospitals were created. The SCIF about wide spread energy weapons being used on the populace is just a partial equation to what I have been saying for years now, it is both; chemicals (cyanide, pesticides, plastics, adhesives, arsenic, etc.), biologicals (microbes, larva, germs, bacterias), and radiation weapons (ionizers, microwaves, cold lasers, frequency weapons, DEW, etc…) Think admixtures and dials.