Anonymous ID: b43a26 May 16, 2024, 10:37 p.m. No.20876971   🗄️.is 🔗kun

It continues they hook up to my Wi-Fi…


It had to be likely the person that lives above me… I do not even have Wi-Fi…


They then say “work” this is there code for we want to human traffic you and exploit you.


This is adrinochrome they try to abuse people pissing then off in order to upset them…


They have my fire alarm wired to bep…


They did this and it is the FBI website that says harassing people at there home is considered a hate crime…


They had me go eat lunch and harassed me at a place I go eat because they are trying to groom me to hate my father and white people… which they keep implying I am white…


They want me to move they say so they are trying to extort me with this crap. They do this and so when I look at the people in my building I am looking at traitors that are acting like they are your friend they are not they play both sides of the board.


Most of all they say they work directly for Donald Trump but they seem more like antifa and blm and is a counter action to try ti get you not to vote for him… either though intimidation or though harassment saying it is him… and his team.


Either way they look at it as they win as they are faketriots and paytriot…


Not patriots


So now it magically stops…


Note they try to pretend they are therapist they made me loose all hope in the medical institutions or anyt type of doctors especially after I last when to Kaiser and some crazy woman did a skit.


So what they do is have people act like they are talking about Covid and say “long covid” as if you should be scared. Really it is there way of trying to extort people as with there access they can manipulate anything and anyone around them… so they want free shit…


I am being extorted as I write this with fire alarm and also the barking going on it also shows in these threads that they are talking responsibly for it saying to me there is nothing you can do because they are the “best” and are the law FBI…


So there is no one to report to oh then they try to say they are Obama they are not they are human traffickers and groomers that are shit at there job never believe anything like this was going on and exploiting the system for there personal profit and gain…


So why was my wifi on and who is connecting to it…


Know I know when I look at you that I see nothing but 2 faces extremist…




Wonder who is going to jail for war crimes…


Is your name on the list