Anonymous ID: 8f791a May 17, 2024, 5:17 p.m. No.20880625   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0632

North America is being Prepared to Accept Islam

Islam will be the majority of the foot soldiers

ABC was Created by Design

so White Nations would Accept Islam as an Ally

Anonymous ID: 8f791a May 17, 2024, 5:37 p.m. No.20880708   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trudeau is Attempting to Disarm the Canadian Public, but is Failing

Eventually he may try to use the Reserves to get the job done


but Canadians won't be going to a Gulag or "Covid Camp" Voluntarily

Anonymous ID: 8f791a May 17, 2024, 5:55 p.m. No.20880790   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Americans and Canadians are Returning to a

Morale, Patriotic & Spiritual way of living

With a Strong Indignation for Wrong Doing

Anonymous ID: 8f791a May 17, 2024, 6:44 p.m. No.20881142   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Why do they want an open Border?

Why do they want High Inflation?

Why do they want men in women safe spaces?


Death to America, that's why.