And congrats for #Winning the FeelsGoodMan GM meme of the day.
Everyone else keep your heads up and thinking caps on today.
You just might be tomorrow's #Winner.
And congrats for #Winning the FeelsGoodMan GM meme of the day.
Everyone else keep your heads up and thinking caps on today.
You just might be tomorrow's #Winner.
Ever wonder why it wasn't spammed as hard during the days of Q?
I have.
One school of thought was that Q was perceived to have scary powers and nobody wanted to ever have to pick up the phone.
I posit it was because the breads were so damn fast that spammers knew nobody would notice or care.
Ded chatboards on the other handโฆ
It was raided a few times mostly early on with the gay buttsex one being the most brutal of all.
But, on par with modern times, not so much.
And as mentioned in my OP, it really wasn't as noticeable.
Most spammers just petered out after a 1/4 bread run.
In this current year, a spammer has plenty of time/room to be a shithead.
Don't forget the sniffers.
Anons can post anything anywhere on the internets and Q Team can find it.
Finkel was so OG here it's easy to forget him with all the spam that has followed since.
In other words no shame in it especially considering the amount of pots many anons take.
The two nice things about Finkel was his respect shown to the No Bread Shitting rule and his love and respect towards the FilterFags.
The Real Finkel always posted as close after the Dough as he could in order to give the FFs a nice easy early entry to their db.
Yes, there were Fake Finkels that would post all throughout the breads but that's not Real FInkel's fault now is it?
Vatty, many anons have their own slice of famefags they were following when Q hit the scene.
BannonFags, X22 DaveFags, AJFags, The George-Jason-n-Trish ShowFags, on and on it goes.
The BannonFags are a decent sized bunch but AJFags were prolly the biggest slice if I had to say so right at this moment.
Always open to other's thoughts that could change my mind tho.
>Finkel had military level stamina & precision when running ops on the board.
I believe it.
I have a soft spot for the late arriving CaliAnons stuck in the most pozz'd of all the States.
It seems like an injustice to be an early riser there only to find most of the GM crew has already wiped out the donuts.
Hey you never know.
The only issue is larpers (and Doodle - RIP) did/do that shit all the time.
So, the chances of any specific one you encounter being Q Team (or operative) is not that good.
But, it's not zero and spoopy timing with a news unlocks habbening certainly increases the odds bigly.
You're prolly newfag in the strict gotta be a /pol/ Q definition.
But, I do memberberry you at least as far back as the Great Board War.
You used to post some whacky qrd about it that made me ask you am you high???
So, yeah, we used to have a previous thing going here which is nice to kek about now.
All the music rags that hate Mozza now always gush about that being Johnny's masterpiece.
Taken from a Bo Didley inspired reggae riff and distorted in that all the rage at the time way deserves a mention.
But, come on man!
Those are lyrics only Morrissey could write/deliver that make it a classic.
ok boomer
Oh your copypasta most anons still haven't read brings the pain alright.
Vatty, you're the one triggered now.
This is why you're constantly asked Am You High???
Gerbil went from Big Bad Bill to Sweet William now.
He hasn't triggered anyone in ages despite Baking nearly every afternoon still.
You know how those NYC/Jersey east coast anons are.
Your best bet is make it to 2AM tonight so you can get ya some.
Then say GM to all the other anons stumbling in and call them sleepyhead slackers.
The GM Crew runs Swordy Shift now.
Those bastards must be using some reverse psych techniques with all those GM pleasantries.
Not to mention those damn memes!
Why do you fuck goats?
>Swordy has a name so he ain't no authentic anon
It's moar complicated than that.
Swordy never came out and said Hi I'm Swordy.
He just posted the same meme every morning day after day after day.
Usually just (1) post except for the few times he forgot to hop back, but I digress.
It was anons that first started calling him Sword Anon then Swordy - the latter of such is what stuck.
That's why Swordy (and others like that) hardly ever get shit about the whole famefag thing.
Good thought provoking ?
Nice to see alternatives to the SSDD.
Hmmm, seems like everybody has had their turn at that on the timeline.
But, yeah, I guess some have been harder hit than others.