Current sec proves anyone is capable of achieving partisan glory and Juanita would excel over said counterpart, #circleback
Old man w decimated cognitive but beloved by satanic horde rushes into transition - fuck your freedoms protect climate and the vaccine makers
Include BEARING FALSE VWITNESS AGAINST THY NEIGHBORโ ecclesiastical cause of action - as well
The judge is the real criminal!
Baby killers
A pollack deep state stagnant swamp smelly creature writes this shit,
Democracy ses filler up, pack te weight into fridge. Taxpayers paying rent, landlords happy, Americans shunned into poverty stricken street where decency donโt give a fuck bout no HILLBILLY
They should throw a concert to support the groomer victim, just like Cohen, completely misunderstood. Heโs like a virgin, pure like the driven comb