Anonymous ID: 212d79 July 8, 2018, 9:50 p.m. No.2088594   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8598 >>8694 >>8740 >>8901 >>9058

This is the now dead NZ Pedo who happens to have a pizza/triangle emblem on. His wife's words:


"Now, she believed he had used their marriage as a mask for his "private life" - one that included affairs with consenting adults, abuse against children and large amounts of alcohol.


"He did admit to me that he thought he was rangatira and he thought he was entitled to have women wherever he slept for the night. That might have rolled a few hundred years ago but it's not what I signed up for.


"He was never ever faithful. Prostitutes, orgies, group sex - all of it."


And there were children, she said. The youngest victim to have emerged was someone who had said they were aged 8 when sexually abused by Awanui Black.


Zhou Black said the couple separated in 2012, during which time he admitted affairs and using pre-teen pornography. There was a reconciliation a year later but the time away gave Zhou Black a voice she felt she never had and the reunion never worked."