Anonymous ID: 28c030 July 8, 2018, 9:37 p.m. No.2088435   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8673

Q said to read the Bible.

Q implied 9/11 was "cabal"

So I decided to dig on 9/11.

From a biblical perspective.

Check out what I found.

I will assume the Bible is true.

Thus Satan and Jesus are true.

If you disagree stop reading.

So why did Satan pick 9/11/01?

Payback for the Holy Spirit?

Let's do the math.

9/11/01 = 720,000 days from 5/29/30.

360 day years are in bible prophecy.

720,000 / 360 days = 2,000 years.

"A day is like a 1,000 years".

2 days later (biblically speaking).

Hosea 6:2 "After 2 days…"

So what happened on 5/29/30?

Jewish calendar says it's special.

The 1st full day of Pentacost.

What happened on Pentacost?

God sent the Holy Spirit to us.

Christian church was born that day.

Acts 2:15(NIV) "It was only 9:00AM".

Acts 2:41(NIV) "About 3,000 were saved".

9/11/01 happened at about 9:00AM.

And about 3,000 were killed that day.

Exactly 2,000 years later to the HOUR.

Do we know it was the 1st Pentacost?

Scholars say Jesus died in AD29-33.

So we have 5 possible Pentacosts.

5/29/30 is the one that works best.

50 days after Passover Sunday 4/9/30.

Jesus rose from the dead that day?

He was crucified 3 full days earlier.

Exactly 40 years later was April AD70.

The week Titus surrounded Jerusalem.

40 years always = God's judgement.

If Satan is real, he knows real dates.

He would have been there watching.

He is the worst's best bible scholar.

That means he was watching Jesus.

And the formation of the Church.

So he picked a modern day Babylon.

Home to more Jews than anywhere.

Home to a "golden calf" on Wall Street.

Home to the Twin Towers of freemasons.

Home to Hillary the High Priestess.

Home to the Whore of Babylon.

Probably just a coincidence.