Anonymous ID: 94b2f3 July 8, 2018, 10:08 p.m. No.2088751   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8774 >>8788 >>8863

This is a pretty good article about Q


It doesn't have much in it that the press could critique, because if they do dig into any of the statements in this article, it just opens up the whole can of worms about a massive criminal conspiracy in the DC establishment.


And you know, the sites that describe themselves with traditional words like "news" and "journalists" aren't the only ones. Look at this, because many normies are doing just that…


Here is another great article. Quite different than the one above, but this is not directed at normies. This is for people who are already active in politics or want to be. Lots more of them will be tacking action after reading this one. And that is one of the main goals of Q, to get WE THE PEOPLE playing the game of politics again.


Wanna do Q supporting videos but worried about YouTube knocking you off the air? Why not try a Russian site. This commentator does just that and digs into the Q phenomenon which is BIG and it is GROWING. And Anons on here may not realize it, but they do NOT OWN Q. Even if 8ch goes off the air and Q never drops again, the Q phenomenon has its own momentum and has historical drivers that are pushing it forward.


Of course I don't think Q is really done yet, just that some spinoffs now are running on their own power.


There are lots of pre-existing communities on the Internet and now these communities are collectively discovering Q and figuring out how they, as a group, fit into the new reality


With a name like Red Pill Doctor, could this blog be about anything that was NOT related to Q? I'm not sure but I think it would be hard. Lots of short pieces.


In reading the posts on QResearch you would think the world revolves around 8chan, halfchan and Reddit. Not so. There are lots of forums out there where people are trying to come to grips with Q and the crumbs


And would you believe it, but the supporters of Q have their own conspiracy theories, about things within the QAnon phenomenon. And they may indeed be right, that within QAnon the phenomenon there are Ponzi schemes and other fuckery. You decide.


Here is another forum. They are already up to page 2353 in one thread discussing:

Q: See the OP for the basics of Q: QANON - Unraveling Threads of Everything Thread—unraveling-threads-of-everything-thread/73190719/#pgjump


And another forum, much smaller and only up to 270 pages in this thread:

The Qanon posts, and a “Very Bad Day” Scenario - for some elite swamp critters (Nov 2017 and beyond)


But what else is on that board.

Nobody needs to direct traffic to QResearch when there are so many more normie friendly sites out there. In fact we may have lost people from QResearch because they found they are doing more productive work as local experts on these other sites.



Anonymous ID: 94b2f3 July 8, 2018, 10:20 p.m. No.2088863   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8874




It took this anon, 1 minute and 36 seconds to analyze my entire long post and realize there was nothing worthwhile. That is not enough time to check even one of the URLs.


Or maybe this was the usual shill posting shit to discourage people form posting real and useful info that strengthens the Q movement.


Yep it was a shill who is perverting Nasim's image. She did not swear in life.

Anonymous ID: 94b2f3 July 8, 2018, 10:34 p.m. No.2089001   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9024



The rod and the ring is Q striking

The bear is in Bern, Switzerland

The ravens are in the Tower of London

In latin, the word rock is Petrus. This is the prophecy about a new pope named Peter the Roman

The black flag sounds like Islamic extremism. Could be a mosque in Istanbul, or Mecca or in Jerusalem - the Dome of the Rock


A movie star commits suicide by eating clay

Was Usain Bolt set up to do something at night? He is attacked but runs, killers with knives close in to block his escape route but before he kills one, shots ring out because the police have arrived.

The island drifting away is the UK. We saw that starting today. There will be a HARD Brexit, unilaterally.

Three branches could be a Kurdish state taking territory from Turkey, Iraq and Iran.