Anonymous ID: 923ca6 May 18, 2024, 2:50 p.m. No.20884139   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4156

Elon finally posts what anons have been saying for years.


The entire logic of "LGBTQIABCDE.." isexclusionary BY DESIGN, it is INTENDED to exclude nuclear family procreational logic, it is funded and pushed by extinctionists.


When a finite set of letters and numbers EXCLUDES all other letters and numbers, it is logically exclusionary of all those other letters and numbers.


Doubt this? Just try adding a new letter, say "N" or "H", for nuclear heterosexual family, and present that new combination to any NPC exclusionist, and explain that the N in LGBTQIAN means straight heterosexual. Then sit back and watch THE INNER CORE OF EXCLUSIONISM manifest in the response. You will see the exclusionary logic such as "no no you can't do that, these letters are not meant for people like you", or "why don't you let people not like you have their own letter set".


Truth is, when you see the word "inclusion" accompany this finite letter logic, you are witnessing a deceit, a double speak, whether its activists are aware of it or not, the word "inclusion" is used precisely because it is in fact exclusive.