Anonymous ID: 9ad87c May 18, 2024, 1:40 p.m. No.20883831   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3842 >>3856 >>4015 >>4089 >>4185 >>4268 >>4351 >>4466 >>4492



Canada #58 >>20880050

CSIS suggests those who oppose gender ideology are a 'violent threat' in Canada

May 17, 2024


CSIS suggested that Canadians having issues with the gender ideology are driven by “beliefs stemming from misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, religious interpretations, conspiracy theories, or a generalized fear of sociocultural change.”


In its annual report for 2023 the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) says that Canadians opposed to gender ideology are a possible “violent threat.”


The annual report states, "CSIS assesses that the violent threat posed by the anti-gender movement is almost certain to continue over the coming year and that violent actors may be inspired by the University of Waterloo attack to carry out their own extreme violence against the 2SLGBTQIA+ community or against other targets they view as representing the gender ideology agenda."


While saying that the “anti-gender movement” poses a “significant threat to Canada’s national security, the report then admitted, “While the movement may collectively hold extreme views, CSIS assesses that only a small portion of adherents are willing to engage in serious violence.”


The spy agency could only cite the example of former University of Waterloo student Geovanny Villalba-Aleman, who stabbed two students and a professor in a Gender Studies class in June 2023 as evidence the supposed threat to Canadian security.


The agency categorizes opposition to radical “gender-affirming care” such as sex changes for minors as potentially embracing what it calls “Religiously Motivated Violent Extremism” or RMVE.


CSIS tabled its report to the House of Commons on May 7 and in addition to the usual security threat suspects, the spy agency suggests Canada is fertile ground for “exposure to entities espousing anti-gender extremist rhetoric” who “could inspire and encourage serious violence against the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, or against those who are viewed as supporters of pro-gender ideology policies and events.”


CSIS put antisemitism alongside anti-LGBTQ sentiment and claimed, “Anti 2SLGBTQIA+ and antisemitic rhetoric is spreading widely through social media and online forums among domestic RMVE adherents, increasing the risk of extremist violence against these communities, and placing youth vulnerable to RMVE propaganda at a higher risk of becoming radicalized on online platforms. Charismatic RMVE leaders in Canada continue to use international events to amplify their propaganda to radicalize and recruit vulnerable individuals while encouraging both domestic acts of violence and international travel to conflict zones. Consequently, CSIS assesses that RMVE actors will continue to pose a domestic threat to Canada in 2024.”


The report then suggests that RMVE actors can join forces with Individually Motivated Violent Extremists (IMVE). “The anti-gender movement falls within the gender/identity driven violence category of IMVE and is defined as the ideological opposition to the socio-cultural shifts that are represented by the integration and acceptance of gender theory, including acceptance of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community.”


CSIS then suggested that Canadians having issues with gender ideology are driven by “beliefs stemming from misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, religious interpretations, conspiracy theories, or a generalized fear of sociocultural change.”


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has frequently inserted himself and his government into the provincial education sphere and demanded that gender ideology be protected in the school system and that parental rights are superseded by gender fluidity in the classroom. On Thursday, he again insisted that New Brunswick should change its policy of parents having the right to know if their children want to change their pronouns.


As part of its “2SLGBTQI+ Action Plan," the Trudeau government has awarded $1.1 million on a “purge fund” that targets “hateful” parents opposing gender ideology and LGBTQ indoctrination.


The contract was given to Cossette Communications on July 26, 2023 “to develop, manage a 2SLGBTQ+ Anti-Stigma awareness and marketing campaign aimed at targeted segments of people.”


Trudeau’s latest federal budget released in April 2024 includes $150 million to promote 2SLGBTQI+ teaching in Canada and around the world.

Anonymous ID: 9ad87c May 18, 2024, 2:03 p.m. No.20883929   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3937 >>4089 >>4185 >>4268 >>4351 >>4466 >>4492

Canada #58 >>20883298

US Sending Nuclear-Powered Carrier For 'Higher Stakes' Red Sea Mission

by Tyler Durden Saturday, May 18, 2024


Since the start of the Gaza war at least 20 ships have been damaged in the Red Sea amid the ongoing Houthi campaign to punish Israel and its international backers. The US-led Operation Prosperity Guardian is something which has retreated from headlines as it has by and large proved ineffective.


US warships patrolling waters off Yemen have shot down dozens, or possibly even hundreds of drones and missiles at this point - while also at times carrying out offensive operations - but the Iran supported Houthis have remained undeterred.


The Pentagon is now readying the next step, sending the USS Harry S. Truman nuclear-powered aircraft carrier into the Red Sea. US military magazine Stripes writes of recent planning: "The nuclear-powered aircraft carrier and its 6,000-some sailors have spent recent months training in the western Atlantic Ocean for that mission — a rare, pre-planned deployment expected to take the ship into a hostile environment."


"In recent weeks, its sailors have been undergoing flight deck testing, its pilots knowing that later this year they will be tasked with shooting down drones and munitions launched by the Iran-backed Houthis," the publication details further.


European allies, and groups like the Atlantic Council have been bitterly complaining about the ongoing 'failures' of the Pentagon-led mission thus far:


Six months after the Joe Biden administration launched Operation Prosperity Guardian to ensure freedom of navigation in the Red Sea, the biggest issue facing the White House is not the Houthi threat but the US failure to rally partners and allies behind its leadership.


Several costly MQ-9 Reaper drones have already been lost in the region, with some shot down by the Houthis, as the US continues to expend billions related to Gaza conflict spillover.


While the Truman carrier will certainly be a huge show of force, it could be more simply that the 1,000-foot-long, 104,000-ton vessel will just make for a bigger Houthi target.


Head of the US Navy Fleet Forces Command Adm. Daryl Caudle has described of sailors preparing for the mission, "They know that they’re most likely going to be entering a weapon engagement zone."


"For this group, this [deployment] is not with the mindset that they’re just going to go drill holes in the water somewhere — this is, ‘We’re going to be employed for combat.’"


Back in November, there was this stunning and contradictory admission from the Commander-in-Chief:


This is peak American foreign policy… When asked if the strikes on Yemen are working Biden replies: “When you say working, are they stopping the Houthis? No. Are they going to continue? Yes.”


Literally saying "bombing these folks is useless, but we'll keep doing it".

— Arnaud Bertrand (@RnaudBertrand) January 19, 2024


As has been the sad pattern after more that 20 years of the so-called Global War on Terror (GWOT), this naval commander is openly talking about deploying for "combat" in a new volatile and high-stakes theater, and yet there's never been formal Congressional authorization to go to war with Yemen or the Houthis. Of course, there have been many such cases.

Anonymous ID: 9ad87c May 18, 2024, 2:17 p.m. No.20883987   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4029 >>4089 >>4185 >>4268 >>4351 >>4466 >>4492


Boatfag can confirm Spain has denied docking permission. Boatfag finds no mention anywhere else of boycott


Spain denied port of call to ship carrying arms to Israel

By Reuters May 17, 20246:21 AM EDT Updated a day ago


MADRID, May 16 (Reuters) - (This May 16 story has been corrected to fix the name of the ship operator from Danica Maritime to H. Folmer & Co in paragraph 5)

Spain has refused permission for an Israel-bound ship carrying arms to call at the southeastern port of Cartagena, Transport Minister Oscar Puente said on Thursday.

The Marianne Danica was carrying a cargo of arms to Israel and had requested permission to call at Cartagena on May 21, Puente said on X.


It was carrying nearly 27 tons in explosive material from India's Madras, El Pais reported.

The Foreign Ministry, which Puente said denied the authorisation, did not immediately reply to repeated requests for comment.

H. Folmer & Co, the company operating the Marianne Danica, did not immediately reply to a request for comment.

The reports come amid a spat between the ruling Socialists and their hard-left partners over allowing the transit of vessels carrying arms to Israeli ports.


Spain denies stopover of ship reportedly carrying arms to Israel

By Euronews Published on 17/05/2024


The Spanish government announced it will deny ports of call to any vessel carrying weapons to Israel.


Spanish authorities have refused a ship carrying weapons for Israel permission to dock at one of the country's ports.


“This is the first time we have done this because it is the first time we have detected a ship carrying a shipment of arms to Israel that wants to call at a Spanish port,” said Spanish foreign minister José Manuel Albares on Thursday.


“This will be a consistent policy with any ship carrying arms to Israel that wants to call at Spanish ports. The foreign ministry will systematically reject such stopovers for one obvious reason: the Middle East does not need more weapons, it needs more peace.”


The Danish-flagged cargo ship, 'Marianne Danica,' departed from India with 27 tonnes of explosives, according to the Spanish newspaper El País.


It had requested permission to call at the southeastern port of Cartagena on 21 May.


Pedro Sánchez government's decision comes just days after some Spanish politicians urged the government to ban the entry of another ship, 'Borkum', which pro-Palestinian groups say is carrying arms to Israel.


Borkum’ received government authorisation to stop in Cartagena on Friday as its final destination is the Czech Republic, not Israel, according to transport minister Óscar Puente.


However, officials from the left-wing parties Sumar and Podemos have asked the government to deny access to 'Borkum' in support of Palestine.


Spain has heavily criticised Israel's offensive in Gaza, halting arms sales to the country.

Anonymous ID: 9ad87c May 18, 2024, 2:26 p.m. No.20884029   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4089 >>4185 >>4268 >>4351 >>4466 >>4492

>>20883987 (me)


A cargo ship accused of carrying weapons to Israel refuses to stop in Spain

The ‘Borkum’ decides not to dock in Cartagena after leftist parties made the claim, which has been denied by the Spanish government. A different cargo vessel with a confirmed destination of Haifa has been refused permission for a stopover

Miguel GonzálezPaula Chouza Madrid - May 17, 2024


The Borkum, a cargo ship accused by Spain’s leftist parties Sumar and Podemos of carrying weapons to Israel, has refused to stop at the southeastern Spanish port of Cartagena. The decision was communicated at midnight by the shipowner to the Maritime Captaincy and confirmed by sources from Spain’s Ministry of Transportation, who insist that the final destination of the cargo is the Czech Republic and not Israel.


These sources did not rule out that the claim against the Borkum originated in a confusion, as another cargo ship with a confirmed destination of Haifa, in Israel, had been previously denied access to Spanish ports.


The shipowner — a German company, although the vessel is flying the flag of Barbuda and Antigua — “has communicated that the ship will not make the stopover, even though all the ship’s documentation is in order and it would have no problem accessing the port of Cartagena,” said sources at the ministry led by Óscar Puente.


On Thursday the ship remained anchored in the waters of Cape Tiñoso, just off the port of Cartagena, where it was scheduled to dock on Friday morning. A protest had been called at the port on Friday. The ship finally canceled its stopover in Spain and headed for Slovenia instead.


Sumar’s spokesperson in Spain’s lower house, Íñigo Errejón, and Podemos’ candidate to European elections, former minister Irene Montero, congratulated one another on social media, claiming that the decision proves them right. “Victory! We were right. We expect an apology tomorrow. Social pressure is useful, standing up is useful. No complicity with the genocide,” posted Errejón. “Everything was so clear yet we were inventing everything so much that… the Borkum avoids entering the port of Cartagena. Enough of the hypocrisy. Stop criminalizing and ridiculing the Palestine solidarity movement. We are acting to stop the genocide,” Montero added.


The local newspaper La Verdad reported that on Tuesday, an association called Palestina Libre (Free Palestine) and several political groups had claimed the Borkum was carrying weapons to Israel. Transportation Minister Puente denied it on Wednesday, as did Defense Minister Margarita Robles on Thursday.


The decision by the Borkum shipowner came hours after the Spanish government had denied a stopover to another cargo ship, the Marianne Danica, that was loaded with explosives and had departed from Madras Chennai in India en route to Haifa in Israel. It is the first time that the Spanish government has denied authorization to a ship with weapons for Israel, as stressed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares.


The Marianne Danica had requested two permits to transit through Spanish waters and make a stopover in the port of Cartagena on May 21. The ship, which is transporting explosive materials, carries a load of 26.8 tons. The sender is the Indian company Siddharta Logistics Co and its recipient is the company Israel Cargo Logistics (ICL). Sources consulted by this newspaper did not rule out that the public complaints against the Borkum were due to its getting confused with the Marianne Danica.



Anonymous ID: 9ad87c May 18, 2024, 3:22 p.m. No.20884308   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Strange, latest about any such protest is from back in March, before that July of 2023

Somehow random twatter people find these protests every other day