Anonymous ID: a30a31 May 18, 2024, 2:16 p.m. No.20883978   🗄️.is 🔗kun

18 May, 2024 16:28

Russia ‘done’ with Western Europe ‘for at least a generation’ – Lavrov

An “acute phase of the military-political confrontation with the West is in full swing,” Moscow’s foreign minister has said


Russia won’t view Western European countries as partners again for “at least one generation,” Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has predicted.The diplomat remarked that Moscow and the West are already locked in a confrontation that has no end in sight.


Top Russian officials, including President Vladimir Putin, have repeatedly described Moscow’s ongoing military conflict with Kiev as a proxy war waged by NATO against Russia. Evidence of this, the Kremlin says, is the material aid, the training, and the intelligence that the US and many European countries have been providing to defend Ukraine.


Speaking on Saturday, Lavrov cited an article by Russian political scientist Dmitry Trenin, who has written that “Europe as a partner is not relevant for us for at least one generation.”The minister said that he “can’t help but agree” and that Moscow is “feeling this in practice almost daily.” The senior Russian diplomat also claimed, without elaborating, that “many facts speak in favor of such a prognosis.”


“The acute phase of the military-political confrontation with the West continues [and] is in full swing,”Lavrov said, pointing to the nature of the narratives currently prevalent in the US and Europe.


In an interview with TASS on Friday, Deputy Foreign Minister of Russia Sergey Ryabkov compared Western elites to delinquent youths and provocateurs intent onescalating tensions to the brink of a “catastrophic collapse,”and with no regard for the consequences.


Speaking of the work of Russian diplomats in the West, the official revealed that it is “in a crisis-management mode, aimed at preventing an escalation into a really massive conflict.”


NATO is “a group in which we feel not an ounce of trust, which triggers political and even emotional rejection”in Moscow, Ryabkov told the media outlet.


He said that,no matter who comes out on top in the US presidential election in November, “no chance for the improvement of the situationcan be seen, considering the fundamental anti-Russian consensus of the American elites.”


During his inauguration speech on Tuesday, nonetheless, Russian President Vladimir Putin asserted thatMoscow does not “refuse dialogue with Western states.”


“The choice is theirs,” the president proposed, posing the question: “Do they intend to continue trying to restrain the development of Russia, continue the policy of aggression and relentless pressure that they have pursued for years, or look for a path to cooperation and peace?”

Anonymous ID: a30a31 May 18, 2024, 3:48 p.m. No.20884414   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4501

No Pretending – Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó Outlines Truth of NATO/EU Sanctions Against Russia


May 16, 2024 | Sundance |

This entire hour conversation with Péter Szijjártó is a ninja level linguistic evisceration of the lies, fraud and media spin that form the epicenter of the “great pretending” era. It really is worth watching all of it.


However, for the sake of time and focused attention, I have prompted the interview to the 18:00 point where Hungarian Minister SzijjĂĄrtĂł, the Hungarian equivalent of our Secretary of State, talks about thegreat Western con job surrounding the Russian sanctions.


As many of you know, I traveled to Budapest and sat in bank offices so that I could literally see with my own eyes what I was told was happening {GO DEEP}. Everything that PĂŠterSzijjĂĄrtĂł says in this interview is well articulated and 100% accurate to the reality of what is happening. WATCH [Prompted]:


“Europe is at a crossroads. The war in Ukraine continues with no end apparent as yet. Important European Parliament elections are taking place in June with the Bloc’s political future uncertain. Further afield, Israel’s conflict in Gaza and tension in the Middle East has also had wider global repercussions. And with 2024 dubbed, ‘the year of elections’, much of the world anxious as to the viability of democracies worldwide, with a firm eye on the United States in November.


On July 1st 2024, Hungary will assume the presidency of the European Council. With a multitude of challenges in Hungary, Europe and around the world, there is plenty to occupy Budapest during its 6-month term. Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary, Péter Szijjártó, will discuss how Hungary intends to utilise its presidency, as well as the wider perspectives from Hungary on the ever fragmenting global order.”


If the EU can fracture the “New World Order” mechanicsand “global order” plans,which are really outcomes of the Build Back Better agendathat followed the COVID-19 plandemic, the U.S. CBDC effort weakens. These are the stakes within the EU as they relate to the USA. This is also why we see the State Dept (Samantha Power) and CIA emphasizing and supporting the anti-government movement in Hungary.


The USA successfully operated a regime change (color revolution) in Poland and Moldova, and are currently working on Georgia and Hungary.


We should allpay attention when Team USA are not worried about Russian economic sanctions. That sentiment indicates they are working the alternative plan to expand the war against Putin directly.

Anonymous ID: a30a31 May 18, 2024, 4:07 p.m. No.20884501   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4513


This video is excellent Peter S is akin to SOS in Hungary and he explains the difficulties they have with the Liberal Progressive EU. Orban will be the President for six months starting in June or July of the EU. There is going to be some very fiery exchanges with other EU countries. I always wondered why Hungary chose to stay in the EU considering they are attacked by almost all the other EU countries. This will be very interesting to see the outcome. I think, secretly there are other EU countries that agree with Hungary.