>Hey howsabout a Tranny Bake handmedown - that'll stop those pesky GM fags
It's gonna take moar than that, but nice try A for effort!
>Hey howsabout a Tranny Bake handmedown - that'll stop those pesky GM fags
It's gonna take moar than that, but nice try A for effort!
>bla bla bla it's the thought that counts bla bla bla
You ol' softie - GM back at ya.
Too late now - you done did it.
Once you say GM you're in the club forever!
The Eagles even wrote a song about it.
Tranime's attorney here to set the record straight.
>Claims around 500
That's because nobody else had stepped up to bake at that point.
Rather than QR be subjected to the indignity of an ebake, he took charge and saved the day, er night.
>Shitpoasts to fill up current bread.
Tranime haters draw first blood every single time.
He barely posts the Dough and the attacks start up.
What you call shitpoasts are ackshyually Trainime defending his er her er itself.
>Defaces catalog with new rainbow faggot bread banner image
Well, he's gay.
Fag fags love them some rainbows.
At least his has Iwo Jima on it so it's board legal.
There's nothing the admins can do about except amend the QR Constitution.
Which is always possible these days.
>and then ghosts
There's only so much abuse one anon er namefag can take around here.
Of course he ghosted for self-preservation purposes.
You would too.
I've been stolt'ing fully spelled out ones as a sign of good will towards the GM haters.
They seem paranoid about it being a crew.
I mean it is, but no that kind of crew.
I don't think it's that big of a deal.
Nobody wants to drive through there anyway these days.
I'd be pissed if I was waiting at a light for 2 minutes with nobody on the other street.
Wait, that's why, people were like fuck that I ain't being a sitting duck I'm running this shit!
I get it now - smart move Oakland leaders you finally did something nice for people.
Either way, he's gonna get swarmed with GM love if/when your ? is answered.
Yeah, that's a tough one.
And I was the Anon in charge of vetting at the time he received his membership.
Oops muh bad.
>psyop participator
A psyop of peace love and understanding on QR during the morning when anons are just trying to enjoy their covfefe and shoot the shit with Ralph.
You're damn right I'm part of the GM Crew.
We're on a mission from God.
Gerbil's running that scam.
Fooled me during the warroom.
Fooled me again with that cheap Chinese shit on Premium QAnon.
Won't fool me again I hope.
kek I did come this close to doing it in that style
I came even closer to using an inb4 too.
>inb4 ejaculation jokes (won't get fooled again) inb42 any Who vidyas….
GM Not a Doctor But I Play One On QR
You're always needed extra moar here on Sunday mornings.
Not the kind of anon to say atodaso but atodaso
It's the shift change.
Rolls in like the tide this time of day.
Swordy's always late on Sunday mornings.
He's at the bar late on Sat nights.
Because he's a bouncer.
Shame on you.
Gonna have to bring something up at the next GM Crew meeting.
It's only 7:40 west coast time.
GM donuts are long gone.
Does QR hate Calif Fags that much?
I think /ourcalifags/ live near the mountains or in Jouquin's Valley.
They're not the stock the West Coast glowies in LA/SF recruit from.
Bring out yer phils.
keks in excitable boy
Wrap up your food fights.
Use your best spoopy 1 sentence material you want some anons to start capping as Q helper posts.
Post your controversial memes that would get you to be the bad guy explaining yourself on the doc's show.
Back in the day I went up to the Calabrasassafras lookout with Cali frens.
Nice area close but not in LA.