Anonymous ID: a310af May 19, 2024, 10:35 a.m. No.20887557   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Good stuff here.


As an aside,

a few years ago 3 or (four?) young people, 2 dark skinned males & an (asian?) female followed me into WalMart. One of the men approached me & looked at me with a very intense eyes while he took my pic up really close while I was shopping. This freaked me right the fuck out BTW. This occured several days after I made a cryptic post here (8chan then) responding to what I thought was some DS fuckwad messing with the board. Oops. If you need someone who can slip through cracks & blend in with the bad guys give me a call. Say "Hello Enrique" & after I have changed my shorts you can begin convincing me that you are for real. Maybe I can serve my country once again but in an honorable way. That war was DS BS, but the current war is legit & imperative.


I want to help.