Anonymous ID: f7609f May 19, 2024, 8:31 a.m. No.20887100   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7110 >>7222 >>7369 >>7525 >>7539 >>7686 >>7725

19 May, 2024 10:00

Fico’s condition ‘no longer life-threatening’ – Slovak deputy PM

The prime minister will survive, Tomas Taraba has said


The condition of Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico is no longer life-threatening, the EU country’s deputy prime minister Tomas Taraba has told British state broadcaster the BBC. There was an attempt on his life earlier this week.


Fico was shot several times on Wednesday as he approached a crowd in the city of Handlova in central Slovakia. The prime minister was rushed to a hospital and doctors have been fighting for his life since.


The assailant, who was detained on the spot, turned out to be 71-year-old left-wing activist Juraj Cintula. He reportedly strongly disagreed with Fico’s decision to stop arms shipments to Ukraine.


The prime minister is “not in a life-threatening situation at this moment,” Taraba said on Sunday. “Fortunately, as far as I know, the operation went well – =•and I guess in the end he will survive,==” he added.


According to the deputy prime minister, Fico was “heavily injured” in the attack. “One bullet went thought the stomach and the second one hit a joint – he was immediately transported to the hospital and then operated-on,” he said.


Milan Urbani, deputy head of the hospital where the Slovak leader is being treated, said earlier on Sunday that the board of doctors had ruled that “the patient is currently no longer in a life-threatening state.”


Urbani described Fico’s condition as “very serious,” saying that the 59-year-old “needs a lot of time and peace to recover.” However, he stressed that the doctors believe that “everything will develop in a positive direction.”


Earlier in the day, around a hundred people gathered outside the hospital in the town of Banska Bystrica to support Fico and thank the doctors who are taking care of him, police said. Well-wishers brought flowers to the rally, according to media reports.


Fico, who returned to power last year, is a polarizing figure both in Slovakia and the EU, due to his position regarding the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, which he insists must be settled through peaceful means, and due to his intention to mend relations with Moscow.


Many Slovak politicians have linked the attempt on the PM’s life to “hateful rhetoric”and to the politically charged climate in the country.

Anonymous ID: f7609f May 19, 2024, 8:46 a.m. No.20887148   🗄️.is 🔗kun

16 May, 2024 14:15

Ukrainians who work for betting company shielded from draft – media

An internal document listing conscription exemptions has been published by an MP who is unhappy with the decision


The Ukrainiangovernment has granted mobilization exemptionsto workers who do not appear toqualify as essentialfor a country at war, according to a document released by a member of parliament on Thursday, various outlets reported.


Update: Ukrainian Economy Minister Yulia Sviridenko wrote on Facebook on Thursday that,“due to the public backlash,”she had“canceled the order on exemptions”and that each case would be examined individually.


Ukrainian lawmaker Aleksandr Fedienko obtained the document produced last month by the Ministry of Economy. Itnames several companieswhose employees areshielded from the draft. Examples include a sport betting-related concern and several businesses that have foreign owners.


The listincludes ‘Favbet Tek’. FavBet is a major gambling operation in Ukraine, and the mentioned firm is believed to be providing it with IT services.


The local branch of the transnational American payment system Visa is also included, as is the Spanish-based courier service Glovo.


Another is AgriChain, an IT subsidiary of the Cyprus-registered Ukrainian agriculture giant Astarta. TheCanadian holding Fairfax owns roughly a third of the latter, according to its website.


The list also includes anadvertising agencyand a single entry that seems to be defense-related – a firm making military equipment.


Fadienko, who sits on the parliamentary commission for digital transformation, said he released the document to highlight what he believes aremisguided government rulesfor which businesses get to keep their employees. Communications companies do not get such protection and have been drained of personnel, he explained. (Misguided is another word for Corruption)


”They have no one to run around, doing repairs and changing batteries. The remaining workers refuse to go out, because they have no exemptions,” he said, referring to the risk of being caught by a conscription patrol on the street.


Ukraine is bracing for a radical change to its military system this month. The new rules are intended to boost mobilization rates by introducing harsh punishments for draft avoidance and imposing new responsibility on citizens to report their details to conscription offices.


The government and its Western backers claim that hundreds of thousands of people need to be drafted to relieve frontline troops. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken called the mobilization drive “a difficult decision, but a necessary one” during his visit to Kiev this week.


Multiple reports in Western media say the Ukrainian public is largely reluctant to heed the call to take up arms. In early May, Russia estimated that Ukrainian military losses this year alone had surpassed 111,000.

Anonymous ID: f7609f May 19, 2024, 8:56 a.m. No.20887187   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7191 >>7200

17 May, 2024 15:19

NATO chief allies with gays

The secretary general of the US-led bloc has made a statement to mark the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia


(How to destroy military troops in one fell swoop!)


NATO will stand up for the rights of LGBTQ people, Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg declared on Friday.


He was among hundreds of Western public officials, institutions and organizations to make a statement affirming theInternational Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT).


“NATO exists to defend 32 nations, and our peoples’ right to live freely & in peace,”Stoltenberg posted on X, formerly Twitter. “On the International Day against Homophobia, Biphobia & Transphobia, and every day: all love is equal. LGBTQ+ people deserve respect & dignity, and I am proud to call myself your ally.”


The overwhelming majority of responses to Stoltenberg’s posts were negative, however.


“And the relationship between a mutual defense military alliance with the rights of certain minorities is…?” one X user wondered. Others brought up the bloc’s offensive wars against Yugoslavia (1999) and Libya (2011), and the fact that it spent 20 years in Afghanistan helping the US to “replace the Taliban with the Taliban.”


You just made me support Russia a bit more,” read another response, while someone else wondered whether the Russians had somehow managed to hack Stoltenberg’s account.


Another social media user accused him of “pinkwashing war crimes and warmongering,” using a term that describes individuals or organizations who embrace the LGBTQ agenda to deflect attention from their bad behavior.


IDAHOBIT was conceived in 2004 by a French gay activist. Organizations such as the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, and Intersex Association (ILGA), the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC), the World Congress of LGBT Jews and the Coalition of African Lesbians endorsed the project, leading to the first celebration in 2005.


May 17 was chosen as the date, commemorating the removal of homosexuality from the international classification of diseases by the WHO in 1990.


“Transphobia” was added to the name in 2009, followed by “biphobia” in 2015, resulting in the acronym in its current form.


(Now they have to name a “International Straight Soldier Day” WW. Idiots!)

Anonymous ID: f7609f May 19, 2024, 9:13 a.m. No.20887249   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7380

19 May, 2024 08:25

Ukrainian truckers protest against mobilization law(VIDEO)

Dozens of trucks blocked a key highway connecting capital Kiev and the port of Odessa on Saturday, the news outlet Strana reported


Ukrainian truckers staged major protests against the country’s new mobilization law on Saturday, the news outlet Strana has reported. According to new legislation, which came into force on May 18, thedrivers can be drafted into the military when they re-enter the countryfrom abroad.


“We need to staff the reserves,” Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky said in an interview with AFP on Friday, explaining measures taken to bolster the country’s ranks. “A large number” of Kiev’s brigades “are empty,” which doesn’t allow for the “normal rotation” of troops, he complained.


Dozens of trucks blocked a key highway connecting Ukraine’s capital Kiev and the port city of Odessa, the outlet reported on Friday.


According to a video posted on Telegram by one of the participants of the protests, the drivers came from all over Ukraine, representing Kiev, Odessa, Nikolaev, Vinnitsa, Cherkassy, Ivano-Frankovsk, Chernigov and other cities.


The trucker said that he and his fellow teamsters had staged the event to draw public attention to what he described asthe “draconian laws of half-legitimate Zelensky authorities.”


Zelensky has refused to hold the presidential election which had been scheduled to take place in late March, citing martial law being in force in the country due to the conflict with Russia. His five-year term in office had been set to expire on May 20.


The Association of International Road Carriers of Ukraine complained last month thatseveral truckers had been snatched by enlistment officers in the Transcarpathia Regionas they were returning from the EU. The organization said that it has addressed the government, asking for the practice to stop, arguing that the transportation of cargo is a vital activity for the country’s economy.


An unnamed representative of a Ukrainian transport company told earlier in May that cases have been on the rise wheredrivers have abandoned their trucksafter crossing into the EU and fled to avoid mobilization. Some men have been obtaining trucker licenses especially for that purpose, the source said.


Zelensky signed a harsh new mobilization law in April amid the troop shortages his country has experienced on the front line. The legislation lowers the conscription age from 27 to 25, greatly expands the powers of enlistment officers and introduces assorted restrictions for draft dodgers.

Anonymous ID: f7609f May 19, 2024, 10:34 a.m. No.20887554   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7669

17 MAY, 09:16

Americans undermine trust in dollar, its role as reserve currency themselves — Putin


HARBIN, May 17. /TASS/. With its unfriendly actions towards Russia in terms of limiting payments the US undermines confidence in the dollar and its role as the world reserve currency, President Vladimir Putin told reporters.


"This is really stupid and a huge mistake on the part of the American political elites(to limit payments from the Russian Federation - TASS), because they cause enormous damage to themselves, undermine confidence in the dollar and are gradually curtailing the status of the dollar as a world settlement and reserve currency," Putin said, commenting on the problem of payments between Russian and Chinese banks.


TheRussian leader noted that solutions on how to make payments are possible and do exist. They are discussed at the level of participants in economic activities, but such decisions "one way or another must be supported at the state level."


Earlier Bloomberg reported that some Chinese banks are checking cross-border transactions with Russia and want to strengthen control over the financing of Russian clients after US threats to impose secondary sanctions. Russian companies complained about periodic blocking of payments for supplies from China.


(Sundance did an extensive article posted here,it was intentional by Bidan Admin to destroy the dollarto limit where Americans can buy products or travel to, and even live, so they can lock us down by CBCD)

Anonymous ID: f7609f May 19, 2024, 10:48 a.m. No.20887577   🗄️.is 🔗kun

(2 articles released today saying Ukraine is losing or close to losing today and yesterday. Message from WH to Kiev)

Russia opens new front in Ukraine war. Is Ukraine losing the war with Russia?

Sun, May 19, 2024 at 9:42 AM CDT

A new Russian offensive has clawed back miles of terrain near the key Ukrainian city of Kharkiv, but a surge of U.S. weapons and Russia’s inability to coordinate its ground and air forces make a breakthrough unlikely, according to U.S. officials and military analysts.

Ukrainians remain under threat from Russian drones, missiles and shelling as fighting picks up along a 700-mile front. Ukrainian troops, backed by billions of dollars worth of U.S. weapons, are expected to limit Russian gains. But Kharkiv, the second-largest city, southeast of Kyiv, could face more bombing as Russian artillery draws near.

The view that Russia’s gains remain incremental in the grinding, two-year war of attrition is based on interviews with U.S. and Ukrainian officials, intelligence assessments and military experts.

"The Ukrainians are not in danger of losing, but they’re not winning right now," said Seth Jones, director of the international security program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a Washington think tank. "There are no peace talks, and no interest in them from the Ukrainians. Russia feels it has the initiative."

The intensified fighting comes as Ukraine has been outgunned, running low on ammunition and waiting for a new $60 billion package of U.S. military aid to take effect.

While a breakthrough by Russian forces does not appear likely, Ukrainian morale and manpower have become an issue after months of non-stop fighting, few reinforcements and dwindling supplies of ammunition, the official said. Congress’s delay in providing the $60 billion military aid package has weakened Ukrainian defenses by depleting air defenses needed to stop Russian missile and glide-bomb attacks, the official said…


19 MAY, 01:41

Ukrainian forces unprepared to withstand Russian offensive near Kharkov — newspaper


NEW YORK, May 19. /TASS/. The Ukrainian armed forces proved unprepared to resist the Russian offensive the Kharkov direction due to the lack of resources,the New York Times reported.

(NYTs communicates messages directly from the WH)


According to the newspaper, the Russian army "punched across Ukraine’s northern border with such speed and force" that Ukraine’s "meager fortifications" practically posed "almost no obstacle." "Some Ukrainian soldiers, caught totally by surprise, fell back from their positions," the New York Times said.

It also emphasized that Russia had "a huge advantage in artillery shells," adding that "depleted Ukrainian air defenses" were unable to counter Russian air power. The offensive exposed the problems of the exhausted Ukrainian troops, the New York Times said. For example, some defensive fortifications were "insufficient" or "sloppily constructed," and the command did not send new troops from the reserves to this section of the front, but transferred troops from other areas. The reason for this is that theUkrainian armed forces has "few reserves to deploy," the newspaper said. Representatives of the Ukrainian military leadership told it on condition of anonymity that "the situation in the Kharkov Region was critical" for the Ukrainian military.

Kiev recognizes that the situation in the Kharkov Region is extremely tense for Ukrainian troops. On May 14, the Ukrainian General Staff reported that the Ukrainian troops had been forced to "move to more favorable positions" near Volchansk and Lukyantsy. The military leadership also reported the transfer of additional reserves to the region. At the same time, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky admitted that some of these units were being withdrawn from other directions. He held a meeting of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief's Council in Kharkov on May 16 and called this direction extremely difficult.At the same time, a scandal is developing in Ukraine after a number of Ukrainian soldiers made statements about the complete unpreparednessof the fortification lines in the Kharkov Region and linked this to the failures of the Ukrainian army in this area….

Anonymous ID: f7609f May 19, 2024, 10:52 a.m. No.20887588   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7635 >>7641

11 rescue dogs from Afghanistan on their way to Maine


PDJT was upset that Bidan left the dogs in AfghanistanThey left 100s of dogs that were military trained and expensive.

Anonymous ID: f7609f May 19, 2024, 11:10 a.m. No.20887646   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Thx for the video anon

19 MAY, 01:41

Ukrainian forces unprepared to withstand Russian offensive near Kharkov — newspaper


It also emphasized that Russia had "a huge advantage in artillery shells," adding that "depleted Ukrainian air defenses" were unable to counter Russian air power


NEW YORK, May 19. /TASS/. The Ukrainian armed forces proved unprepared to resist the Russian offensive the Kharkov direction due to the lack of resources,the New York Times reported.(NYTs communicates messages directly from the WH)


According to the newspaper, the Russian army "punched across Ukraine’s northern border with such speed and force" that Ukraine’s "meager fortifications" practically posed "almost no obstacle." "Some Ukrainian soldiers, caught totally by surprise, fell back from their positions," the New York Times said.


It also emphasized that Russia had "a huge advantage in artillery shells," adding that "depleted Ukrainian air defenses" were unable to counter Russian air power. The offensive exposed the problems of the exhausted Ukrainian troops, the New York Times said. For example, some defensive fortifications were "insufficient" or "sloppily constructed," and the command did not send new troops from the reserves to this section of the front, but transferred troops from other areas. The reason for this is that theUkrainian armed forces has "few reserves to deploy," the newspaper said. Representatives of the Ukrainian military leadership told it on condition of anonymity that "the situation in the Kharkov Region was critical" for the Ukrainian military.


Kiev recognizes that the situation in the Kharkov Region is extremely tense for Ukrainian troops. On May 14, the Ukrainian General Staff reported that the Ukrainian troops had been forced to "move to more favorable positions" near Volchansk and Lukyantsy. The military leadership also reported the transfer of additional reserves to the region. At the same time, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky admitted that some of these units were being withdrawn from other directions. He held a meeting of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief's Council in Kharkov on May 16 and called this direction extremely difficult.At the same time, a scandal is developing in Ukraine after a number of Ukrainian soldiers made statements about the complete unpreparednessof the fortification lines in the Kharkov Region and linked this to the failures of the Ukrainian army in this area.


The Russian Defense Ministry announced on May 18 that the battlegroup North had liberated the village of Staritsa in the Kharkov Region as a result of active actions and continued to advance deep into enemy defenses.

Anonymous ID: f7609f May 19, 2024, 11:14 a.m. No.20887662   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7688



18 MAY, 16:46

Russian forces cut off ammunition supplies to Ukrainian forces in Volchansk — lawmaker


LUGANSK, May 18. /TASS/. Russian forces, by liberating the Staritsa settlement in the Kharkov Region, fully cut off supplies of ammunition and reserves to Ukrainian troops in the city of Volchansk, State Duma lawmaker Viktor Vodolatsky told TASS.


"Theliberation of the village of Staritsa has an important military and tactical significancebecausewe completely close off the supply of reservesand ammunition to their remaining part of Volchansk by blocking the roads from the north. And most importantly, we are developing an offensive against the settlements from which, according to recent reports, the Belgorod Region is being shelled," he said.


Vodolatsky said the liberation of Staritsa would make it possible to reduce to a minimum andlater completely remove the threat of bombardments for the Belgorod Region.


He also said civilians living in the Kharkov Region are waiting for the Russian army in order to "break free from the Nazis" as soon as possible.


Earlier, the Russian Defense Ministry said that units of the Russian battlegroup North had liberated the village of Staritsa and continued advancing deeper into the enemy's defense.

Anonymous ID: f7609f May 19, 2024, 11:21 a.m. No.20887684   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I LOVE OUR COUNTRY!!!❤️🇺🇸 And I Live My Family Too


I Love the Real President DJT



Anonymous ID: f7609f May 19, 2024, 11:25 a.m. No.20887694   🗄️.is 🔗kun

HAD TO DO IT!!!😂 The guy can’t break 200! PDJT was in rare form last night



Anonymous ID: f7609f May 19, 2024, 11:34 a.m. No.20887719   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7725





(This is probably scaring the shit out of Bidan, and they will try to cheat again. But maybe the military we saw at their computers on the night of 2020 elections, will be allowed to stop it. It’s interesting Trump came out that night and said Bidan is gonna steal it. Everyone knew!)

Anonymous ID: f7609f May 19, 2024, 11:44 a.m. No.20887752   🗄️.is 🔗kun

YOU WANTED OLD SCHOOL TRUMP??🤣🤣🤣 YOU GOT IT!!! The real information is he is a non athlete

I’m a very good golfer! I’ve played for 40 frickin years! He’s so full of shit this guy.

