Anonymous ID: 739f30 May 19, 2024, 4:05 p.m. No.20888705   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8709 >>8711 >>8714 >>8719 >>8723 >>8741

>>20887873 As pro-Palestine protesters reached an intersection, officers rushed in and grabbed people out of the crowd seemingly at random.PN


Anons do you want to do research and somewhat identify who the police took down?You know AI can identify anyone these days right? Did they identify them as middle east agitators or radicals?


As pro-Palestine protesters reached an intersection, officers rushed in and grabbed people out of the crowd seemingly at random

Officers tackled multiple protesters to the ground and then proceeded to punch them

Anonymous ID: 739f30 May 19, 2024, 4:17 p.m. No.20888748   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8784 >>8859 >>9184 >>9303

Businesspeople do not dispute giving gold, cash to Menendezes — but say they were ‘gifts’

Prosecutors gave jurors a show-and-tell of gold bars and bags of cash seized from the Menendez home


By DANIEL HAN and RY RIVARD: 05/16/202

NEW YORK — One of New Jersey’s most prominent real estate developers will not dispute that he gave cash and gold bars to Sen. Bob Menendez and his wife, a defense attorney in the corruption trial said Thursday.


He will dispute the reasons for giving the senator the cash and gold, though.


Attorneys for the developer, Fred Daibes, and another co-defendant, Wael Hana — both accused by federal prosecutors of giving bribes in exchange for favors from Menendez — said during their separate opening statements Thursday that the government is trying to criminalize gifts among longtime friends. They said that the government was misinterpreting the gifts as bribes — and they said there is no evidence proving the gifts were more than that.


“There is nothing criminal about being generous,” said Daibes attorney César de Castro. Daibes and Bob Menendez have known eachother for around 30 years, de Castro said. That’s the same argument Menendez and his friend, donor and co-defendant Salomon Melgen, made in their 2017 corruption trial that ended in a hung jury.


De Castro did not quantify during his opening statement the value of the cash and gold from Daibes to the Menendezes.


But as federal prosecutors called their first witness in the trial, an FBI agent who led the June 2022 search of the Menendezes’ home, jurors for hours were shown cash seized from the Menendez home in Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.

Among the evidence shown to jurors were photos of $7,400 inside an envelope with Daibes’ name and his businesses address; $14,500 of cash inside a pair of men’s Timberland boots and a Giorgio Armani bag with cash stuffed inside another pair of boots; and seemingly countless wads of cash stuffed into envelopes and clothes strewn about Menendez’s home.


Jurors also experienced a show-and-tell of valuables from the Menendez home. Gold bars investigators seized were passed around the jury (one juror mouthed a “wow” upon holding the gold).


At one point FBI special agent Aristotelis Kougemitros, the government’s witness for the day, held open a sack of cash to show the jury, which was found inside a duffel bag with other bags of cash in it. Also found inside the larger bag was a folder with the U.S. Senate seal.


Kougemitros’ testimony was also designed to undermine Menendez’s attempt to point the finger at his wife, Nadine Menendez. On Wednesday, Menendez’s defense attorney had said gold was found in what he described as Nadine’s closet — and that the senator had his own closet.


But Kougemitros said that one gold bar was found on the floor inside the same closet as a Navy blazer that contained handwritten notes on Senate Democratic Caucus stationery from two months earlier. Menendez’s attorney, Adam Fee, began his cross-examination by trying to cast doubt on the blazer’s location by pointing to photographs that could suggest it was hanging outside the closet rather than inside.

Other gold bars were found in a safe found in the closet — a safe that also contained an airline ticket with the senator’s name on it.


Kougemitros said that while his team initially went to the Menendez home to photograph the evidence, he eventually instructed his team to seize it because the cash and gold were “so voluminous” that he “believed it was evidence potentially of a crime.”


A Menendez attorney objected to those remarks from Kougemitros, which the judge sustained. Kougemitros said money counting machines had to be brought in to count the cash because there was “too much to count by hand.”


The cash and gold bars have been among the most attention-grabbing parts of the corruption trial of Menendez, who is accused of using his influence to benefit the New Jersey businesspeople and the governments of Egypt and Qatar. In the government’s opening statements the day prior, federal prosecutors said Menendez was a “senator on the take.”…


(What did Menendez refuse to do for the BFI? Someone always get’s away with it)

Anonymous ID: 739f30 May 19, 2024, 5:30 p.m. No.20889046   🗄️.is 🔗kun

(This guy is my congressman and he’s a disappointment. He never answers calls or emails, and doesn’t even bother sending a letter. He’s a RINO, and pro funding Ukraine)

EXCLUSIVEGeorgia Republican files for divorce from glamorous oncologist after seven children - as a GOP member reveals he's been 'caressing a colleague on the House floor' - and scorned wife offers cryptic text


17 May 2024 By Morgan Phillips

• McCormick's wife texted Daily Mail: 'I'm sure that he will not be forthcoming'

• Hill insiders say he has often been seen acting overly friendly toward a colleague

• One GOP member saw McCormick and and Beth Van Duyne 'holding hands'

After 12 years of marriage and less than two years into his congressional career, Georgia Republican Rep. Rich McCormick has filed for divorce from his oncologist wife Dr. Debra Miller.


The case was filed by McCormick on May 3. A mutual restraining order was also filed, exclusively reports.


McCormick, 55, and Miller, his second wife, share seven children and live in Suwanee, Georgia. When approached about the reasoning for the divorce, Miller texted 'I'm sure that he will not be forthcoming.'


Capitol Hill insiders say McCormick has often been seen acting overly friendly toward a female Republican member of the House Beth Van Duyne, R-Texas.


One GOP member told they had seen McCormick and and Van Duyne, 53, 'holding hands under the table' at the weekly Republican Study Committee lunch within the last three to four months and had seen him 'grab the small of her back' on the House floor during votes.


Two eyewitnesses say they have seen he and Beth holding hands, with one witnessing it as the pair were leaving votes.


And during the State of the Union on March 7, the two could be seen sitting and laughing together while watching Biden's speech.


McCormick even reached over to gently squeeze Van Duyne's arm in a tender moment between the pair captured on camera.


Asked if the divorce involved an alleged affair he may have had with a colleague, his soon-to-be ex-wife Miller replied: 'You should ask Rich and his colleague.'


A third witness told they had seen Van Duyne holding on to the arm of McCormick while walking out of the Longworth Office building late at night.


Van Duyne has been divorced from her former husband of 17 years since 2012. They share two children.


Asked about the cozy behavior and the divorce, a McCormick spokesperson told 'Congressman McCormick and Dr. Miller have been separated for quite some time. He has kept that private and will continue to keep his personal life out of the media spotlight.'


A representative for Van Duyne declined to provide comment to


McCormick and his wife were pictured together as recently as over the Christmas holiday. But he notably did not include her in a recent Mother's Day tribute on X.


McCormick's Facebook account says the pair were married on August 16, 2011.


McCormick spent over 20 years as a pilot in both the Marine Corps and the Navy and was also an emergency room physician in Georgia's Gwinnett Medical Center.


He is in his first term in Congress, having joined in January 2023. He ran unsuccessfully for the Georgia's 7th District in 2020 against Democrat Carolyn Bordeaux.


In November McCormick was the lead author of a censure resolution for Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., for "promoting false narratives regarding the October 7, 2023 Hamas attack on Israel and for calling for the destruction of the state of Israel.'


Rep. Rich McCormick possibly caught touching Beth Van Duyne's arm!


Shortly after that, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., who had also introduced a Tlaib censure that was not successful, accused McCormick of getting physically aggressive with her.


Sources told CNN that in a private meeting with House Speaker Mike Johnson in December, Greene claimed her male colleague 'grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her' and asked the Speaker to address the issue.


'I understand why there would be a lot of raw emotions following the censure vote given that her censure was tabled and mine passed. My intention was to encourage Rep. Greene by making a friendly gesture,' said McCormick.


He denied getting physically aggressive with her.

Anonymous ID: 739f30 May 19, 2024, 6:05 p.m. No.20889198   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9201 >>9303

Laura Loomer uncovers possible hidden bombshell in ‘hush money’ case involving Judge Merchan’s daughter…. 1/2

May 18, 2024 (a day ago)


Laura Loomer might have just uncovered one of the biggest stories of the year. If her findings hold up, she’s onto a game-changer in the sham “hush money” case. And it’s all thanks to Judge Merchan’s radically anti-Trump daughter and Democrat Congressman Dan Goldman, who, according to Laura, seems to be knee-deep in a financial cover-up scheme with the judge’s daughter.


That’s what Laura uncovered while diving into Congressman Dan Goldman’s finances. Remember, Judge Merchan’s daughter has been a strange and unlikely player in the politically charged “hush money” case. In fact, many argue that President Trump is currently silenced by an unconstitutional gag order, all so Judge Merchan can shield his left-wing daughter and her progressive business associates. Now, it seems this mysterious daughter is taking yet another starring role in this kangaroo court, and it could turn the whole case on its head.




New York Democrat Dan Goldman continues to expand Judge Merchan’s vast conflicts of interest. Rep.Goldman has been mailing checks from his campaign to Judge Merchan’s daughter’s personal home in Richmond, Virginia. Authentic Campaigns is based in Chicago and Washington, D.C.


Making matters worse, in an apparent attempt to cover up that he was sending checks to Merchan’s daughter’s home, Rep.Goldman wrote the checks to Authentic Campaign instead of Authentic Campaigns. This is a major FEC violation. Laura Loomer exclusively reported that Rep. Goldman is a client of Authentic Campaigns.


Goldman said on MSNBC Monday that he “deposed Michael Cohen and met with him several times to prepare him” to testify against President Trump in Trump’s New York trial. Loomer was the first to report that Judge Merchan’s daughter, Loren, is the partner and part-owner of Authentic Campaigns, a firm whose “featured client “is the Biden-Harris Campaign. Goldman’s actions prove that the rule of law has disintegrated in Joe Biden’s America.


Laura dropped two incredibly captivating posts on X. The first is a video featuring Congressman Dan Goldman admitting he coached Michael Cohen, alongside a screenshot from Judge Merchan’s daughter’s left-wing organization, “Authentic HQ,” thanking the congressman for “saving democracy.”


But it’s the next post that could really stir things up. While digging through Congressman Goldman’s FEC disclosures, Laura stumbled upon what looks like a bombshell: she claims to have found evidence that the congressman, who coached a convicted felon to testify against President Trump, has been funneling money to Judge Merchan’s daughter’s home address. This could point to a cover-up attempt involving payments to her company.If true, it suggests he might have falsified FEC documents to obscure payments to the daughter of the judgepresiding over a political witch hunt against President Trump. If true, that would be huge.


Laura Loomer:




🚨Democrat NY Congressman who helped prepare Michael Cohen for his anti -Trump testimony is a client of Judge Merchan’s daughter’s Democrat political consulting company


@Authentic_HQ! 🚨


Today, New York Democrat Congressman Dan Goldman @RepDanGoldman went on @MSNBC and said he has “deposed @MichaelCohen212. and met with him a number of times to prepare him” for the trial which is being overseen by Judge Merchan in NYC. Cohen is the prosecutors’ “star witness”. Rep. Dan Goldman is a client of Loren Merchan’s Democrat consulting firm, Authentic Campaigns.


Why is a member of Congress meeting with a felon who committed perjury?


This is a MAJOR CONFLICT OF INTEREST, and Judge Merchan needs to immediately RECUSE HIMSELF from overseeing the Trump trial!


But, wait, there’s more here from Loomer:




I was searching through Democrat Congressman Dan Goldman’s @danielsgoldman’s FEC disclosure forms for his campaign disbursements.




According to FEC records, the address that NY Democrat Congressman @RepDanGoldman sends his checks to when he pays “Authentic Campaign” is a Richmond, Virginia address thathappens to be the personal home residence of Loren Merchan, Judge Merchan’s daughter.

Anonymous ID: 739f30 May 19, 2024, 6:06 p.m. No.20889201   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9303




Loren Merchan is the President of Authentic Campaigns @Authentic_HQ and her father is overseeing Trump’s trial in NYC.


Additionally, the record in the @FEC was documented by Democrat New York Congressman Dan Goldman deceptively as “Authentic Campaign” instead of “Authentic Campaigns”, deliberately leaving the S off the end as a way to cover up the fact that Congressman Dan Goldman, who admitted on @MSNBC last week to prepping @ManhattanDA Alvin Bragg’s Star witness @MichaelCohen212 before his testimony in the Trump trial, has been sending his payments to THE PERSONAL HOME ADDRESS OF JUDGE MERCHAN’S DAUGHTER.


I have blurred out the address so I don’t get accused of Doxxing, but the address on the Schedule B FEC form for Congressman Dan Goldman as it relates to independent expenditures to “Authentic Campaign” is the same address listed in the Richmond, Virginia Department of Real Estate Assessor database, which lists the address as the personal residence for Loren Merchan and her husband Taylor Murray Harper.


The home Loren Merchan lives in where the Democrat Congressman (who advised Michael Cohen before his testimony in Trump’s trial which her father is overseeing) is sending her payments is a 2 story home with a value of $639,000.


Records show NY Democrat Congressman Dan Goldman has sent Loren Merchan over. $162,091.92, with the last payment being made on March 26, 2024, right before the #TrumpTrial began on April 15th, 2024.


This should be enough evidence to force Judge Merchan to recuse himself and to acquit Donald Trump all together.


Absolute corruption and Weaponized Government.


I have the unredacted copies of the addresses for members of the media if they wish to see my receipts and if they are honest enough to report my bombshell findings, but I blurred them out so I don’t get accused of Doxxing. It’s the same Richmond, Virginia home address though. I verified it and double checked.


Worth noting that the office HQs for Authentic Campaigns is based out of Chicago and DC, which means there’s no reason why payments should be going to Loren Merchan’s personal home residence.


This is beyond improper!!!!


Judge Merchan should be DISBARRED!


In addition, a state ethics board has just discreetly warned Judge Merchan about his “modest” donations to Democratic candidates, including Joe Biden.


The New York Times:


A state ethics panel quietly dismissed a complaint last summer against the New York judge presiding over the criminal trial of Donald J. Trump, issuing a warning over small donations the judge had made to groups supporting Democrats, including the campaign of Joseph R. Biden.


The judge, Juan M. Merchan, donated a total of $35 to the groups in 2020, including a $15 donation earmarked for the Biden campaign, and $10 to a group called “Stop Republicans.”


Political contributions of any kind are prohibited under state judicial ethics rules.


“Justice Merchan said the complaint, from more than a year ago, was dismissed in July with a caution,” the spokesman for the court system, Al Baker, said in a statement.


A caution does not include any penalty, but it can be considered in any future cases reviewed by the state’s Commission on Judicial Conduct. A letter outlining the caution was not released because of the commission’s rules, and Justice Merchan did not make the letter available.


The entire case is shady from start to finish. Many are also wondering if Rep. Dan Goldman is the new Adam Schiff. Another well-groomed progressive assassin, carrying out the regime’s dirty work with impunity? After all, Cohen was caught lying on the stand not just once or twice, but three times. It’s like something straight out of ‘Law and Order.’ Did Rep. Goldman coach Cohen to lie? That’s the burning question we all want answers to.


In a serious country truly committed to law and order and the pursuit of justice, this flimsy kangaroo court case would be dismissed so fast it’d make heads spin. Unfortunately, we’re not that serious of a country anymore, and this trial is an absolute farce, from top to bottom. It’s wrapped in mystery and bizarre circumstances, yet, bafflingly, it continues to move forward as if it’s a legitimate quest for justice.

Anonymous ID: 739f30 May 19, 2024, 6:19 p.m. No.20889258   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9272

Jimmy Carter is 'at home enjoying peanut butter ice cream' days after grandson said he was 'coming to the end' following more than a year in hospice care


May 16, 2024. Yikes!


Jimmy Carter is 'at home, enjoying peanut butter ice cream,' said the CEO of the 99-year-old's non-profit, days after his grandson warned that the former president's life was 'coming to the end.'


Carter Center CEO Paige Alexander said on The Atlanta Journal-Constitution's Politically Georgia podcast Wednesday that 'there really hasn't been a significant change' in the ex-president's health.


The Georgia peanut farmer and oldest living president has been in hospice care for more than a year after deciding to forego any further medical treatment.


'I mean, he will always be one bad cold away from the end,' Alexander told the podcast. 'He is in hospice care, and there are palliative measures if he's in pain, but nothing else.'


'He is just the same remarkable man. He has always been outliving and surprising us all,' Alexander added.


While Jason Carter warned that his grandfather's death could be imminent he also told a crowd at a mental health froum on Tuesday that 'he is doing OK.'


'He has been in hospice, as you know, for almost a year and a half now, and he really is, I think, coming to the end that, as I've said before, there's a part of this faith journey that is so important to him, and there's a part of that faith journey that you only can live at the very end and I think he has been there in that space,' Jason Carter said.


The ex-president entered hospice care in February 2023 after a series of hospital visits.He has already survived metastatic brain and liver cancer.


In November, he made rare public appearance for his wife Rosalynn's memorial service, in a wheelchair and covered in a blanket depicting her face.


They were married for 77 years, and lived in the same modest home in Plains, Georgia, for decades.


The longest-married couple in U.S. presidential history, they met when Jimmy was just three years old and Rosalynn was a newborn, and celebrated their 77nd wedding anniversary on July 7, 2023.


Family members say that he was determined to hang on even after entering hospice care, in part to ensure that Rosalynn was never left alone.


'He was really honored and glad that he made it to the end with my grandmother, and that was a real treasure for him,' Jason Carter told the New York Times in February.


'I think that for whatever reason, the way he approaches this is from a place of enormous faith. And so he just believes that for whatever reason, God's not done with him yet,' he added.


Rosalynn's funeral was the only time Carter has appeared publicly since entering hospice, and his frail appearance at the service alarmed friends in the church and well-wishers watching on television.


Carter spends his days in the home in Plains that he has owned for more than six decades, where caregivers attend to his needs and friends and family visit. The two-bedroom, one-story ranch house was built by Carter himself, and is worth about $240,000…