Anonymous ID: 1b24cc July 8, 2018, 11:04 p.m. No.2089251   🗄️.is 🔗kun


But then how will we troll expose shills that are parading as anons?

BO just let the chaos be as it is.. A fight club is not the answer. If you do so, (((they))) win..


Anonymous ID: 1b24cc July 8, 2018, 11:20 p.m. No.2089403   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Shills think they are smarter than the Chans, this is why intellectual bullying of them is important. It intimidates them and forces them to think before posting. And once they place effort in an argument and it goes to shit. That event wounds their psyche even further.

Intellectual bullying hurts the kike more than anything else, because they prop up their IQ as being superior.

trolling is fun

Anonymous ID: 1b24cc July 8, 2018, 11:29 p.m. No.2089492   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9630 >>9701


For instance look at this fucking nigger right here.


He starts out with a "Ty baker!"

Then his stupid ass talks to the Bot

He then attempts to further the dude weed lmao conversation.

Not until you confirm there is a bantz thread does he change his script or narrative to, Durr I'm just a newfag WHERE IS THE RESEARCH PART OF THIS BOARD?

And again Acts like a Newfag and says Durr I heard people were researching must have found the wrong place.


With the creation of a Bantz board you have effectively given shills a new topic of derailment but not just derailment of emotional attack on the psyche of anons or intellectual bullying.


With it subconsciously confirmed in the collective mind that bantz are to be had in a seperate thread shills will now attack anons with, they go to the bantz thread this is research. Meanwhile they are posting disinformation and anyone who opposes their obvious lies and deceit will just be dismissed as using the wrong thread.

Bantz is the armor and weapon of the intellect, fact and information is the steel with which is it forged.

Sharp wits and clear mind, pure of heart and strong in body. The intellectual warrior must not be disarmed. Essentially banning guns that are not used for sport.

Anonymous ID: 1b24cc July 8, 2018, 11:39 p.m. No.2089579   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9639 >>9713 >>9750 >>9753


Essentially you are disarming those who are critical of others. This allowance of what can and cannot be said is entirely against the organic nature of chan image board.

If something cannot be said, then eventually nothing can be said.


What situation? We have always been deep into chaos. The lack of order is what makes this place difficult to shill against.


Because the chans are in a constant state of disarray it is difficult to tell who is who and what is what. Only those who have been here long enough can tell the difference between.


Lurker anon and archive anons are more brilliant than that, they have been trained for years to sift through information and posts. To identify shill from anon. No one is asking you to ban, but maintain order when the board is flooded with porn spam, gore spam, or whatever. Basically to identify the low IQ spammer type shills. Leave the shitposting to anons to intellectually bully the higher IQ shills.

Anonymous ID: 1b24cc July 8, 2018, 11:48 p.m. No.2089658   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9694 >>9854 >>9924


My points are flawless and my wisdom is unending, glad you noticed.


But more seriously, just let the banter board die out. Let anons talk shit over there until it fades out. Personally, the IRC is not a good idea. Besides we have comms as a bunker do we not? When the catalog was first fucking up, I had posted there in comms but received no response, so I began to post threads here to see if one popped up. Was banned for that but that is understandable as it was only 2 hours + can just IP change.


Maybe if you are concerned about the bunker option, place the /comms/ in the global of the thread and have BVs monitor it for changes.


Do not worry about the banning, only waves of essentially 1/1 creatures are what you need to deal with. When a low IQ shill summons 1/1 tokens of porn, gore, and whatever that is then you come and deal AoE damage.


Let anons deal with the kikes as it is usual.


Let me end my statement by saying you are the best Board Owner we have had yet and my thanks are endless. Truly the right anon was chosen for the job. Please keep the chans chan.


Godspeed Patriot

You're a fucking legend.

Anonymous ID: 1b24cc July 9, 2018, 12:22 a.m. No.2089889   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9906 >>9931


Yeah, honestly a standing cyclical thread that is

pinned isn't a bad idea. It's the whole bantz part, if anything we can use this situation as an optimal use of brainstorming. Now we have an E-bake or something other cyclical thread.


Basically, the Hivemind can't lose.

Anonymous ID: 1b24cc July 9, 2018, 12:30 a.m. No.2089929   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9941 >>9944


No you stupid fucking nigger, no bantz thread.

I was saying to salvage the situation by calling it a brainstorm, giving the idea of using cyclical thread that is pinned to help faggots find the bread or something other. Not a fucking /batnz/ thread. Please would you refer to this image?

Anonymous ID: 1b24cc July 9, 2018, 12:33 a.m. No.2089951   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9958 >>9990


Holy shit, I have been waiting for someone to post that CIA meme, thank you.


But on a serious note, I agree with a pinned cyclical thread. Call it something other than Bantz and let it be all purpose cyclical thread.

This way, people can find the bread or receive updates if something happens to the bread or posting of new threads.

Basically a Sexy Action News Thread.

Anonymous ID: 1b24cc July 9, 2018, 12:42 a.m. No.2090019   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Being this dense..


I-i'm honored anon



What do you think? Make a cyclical Emergency Broadcast Thread instead of Bantz? I mean this way the bread wasn't about Er mer gurd BO you faggot how could you, but a productive, we have new technology discussion?


I vote for calling it Sexy Action Qews..