Actually not a bad idea.
I fully support trying it out. But we shouldn't expect either to be panacea.
Most of the banter is shills deliberately crapping up the bread and people responding to them. The shills are not going to cooperate with efforts to reduce their effectiveness. And responses are inevitable, both from anons who fall for the bait and anons who know it's bait but feel the need to publicly refute it so that lesser minds don't succumb.
It worth a shot. But have reasonable expectations.
Do cyclic threads spill over into an archive somewhere? Can they be made to? It may be useful to keep that stuff.
Took me 3 second to peg it as bullshit. The fear sounds at the beginning are a all I needed.
And the thing at the end about using electrons to purify water.. isn't. He's talking about killing that pathogens in sewage sludge.
Yes, but the non-bullshit part is unremarkable. It's just two guys chatting about the good ol' days.
It should just be called "Chat" or something. A newfag doesn't know what "Bantz" means.
I have this thread and bantz open on two monitors. I am watching them at the same timeโฆ All the shills are right here.