keep your eyes peeled for intestines near and or around your local skull and bones taverns, there has been creepy fuckery the past couple of days
ican haz irc
anyone recomend a good irc client???
#ih8t3b0t irc
toilet and or duct tape on occassion
it was an offering homo, talk your shit like a man or trannyshill for pedoraptors
i got these cia niggas pinned on charges from guadalajara to past denver
throw him in fornt of a bus like they did to my uncle in tyler
do not shoot the messenger
don;t lose sleep aj
and zalmoxis was the largest magical hedge by far , longest running joke
they used to really do this to detainees in vegas a long time ago
damn it aj, tell a joke
yall have no idea
who the fuck uses st for rapes and ludes dude
critical thinkers are a dying breed
you gotta unencumbered the corpus collusom of all the cognitive dissonance programming of politricks and selfish inequalities, or buy dianetics from gynocologists and be a lil bitch ass
justa say no to teh keystone homos
i'm off the wagon and my sponsor dropped me for doing too many marijuanas
if you only knew the roots of muhsatan fagOTUS
teh AA meetings and all teh cocaine for tehpedoraptor cia
a bad ebot would have crapped up your holidays mind (you)
this is bush sr era
is your prejudice weighed by a curmudgeon in a bad Italian suit ?
and teh chitty board
and a dank board
does that weird insecurity in the back of your head have bad teeth and monotone lectures of impropriety
stfu craker
>>2089996 the alliteration of the satire in a brief memex war defeating a 6k yo death cult, with iphones and prepaids, omg wtf
ps. did anyone catch the matilda reference in that movie yet