But I'm winning my bet so far. It's 2am & on to a new thread.
I'll only reply to the ones that are big meanies to me.
But, just so you know
But I'm winning my bet so far. It's 2am & on to a new thread.
I'll only reply to the ones that are big meanies to me.
But, just so you know
That was my 1st thought as well
Don't be so dramatic. It's temporary. Who cares. HOWEVERโฆ0Hour IS a faggot. I read his timline today with him calling for an attack on this board. He changed his tune real quick for some reason & it was HILARIOUS. I also doubt he has a mentally disabled brother. What are the chances of a woman having TWO mentally disabled kids. He is a fucking tool. And his followers are some rabid retards.
Because of that stupid shosha fail article. They have ZERO proof otherwise. stop being a fucking retard and actually think for yourself for once cunt
YES Exactly! I am confused as to why so quick to give up. Yes, it's giving up/in to those fuckers. I bet anything, now when you call them out for shilling, they will cry and demand the accuser get banned. It's fucking retarded. Next it will be No more posting Anime or memes.
Your friend lied to you anon! A friend like that is no friend at all. I think you should murder them in their sleep for embarrassing you like this.
Good God you're dumb
Hey faggot, that's not what you said. just admit it. You newfag posted like a retard, got called out on it & now are acting like a liddle bitch about it. Your disability amuses me. Keep going
Do me a favor. Re-read what you typed. Then re-read it again VERY slowly. Do you see why the last part of that sentence is pretty Gay?
I think the Article cunts stopped pushing that gutter trash & are now pushing for the split. I would LOVE for BO to check that. Just to see. There is NO WAY they all just instantly went to bed at the same time. What ever they want, we should do the opposite. But the ones pushing for the split are using the the same tactics. OR maybe Im' wrong. It happens. Once a quarter
Or the article cunts are now the AJ cuntsโฆ.
Is it the Cocaine that makes you so obnoxious or licking the Gay frogs? I feel bad for your kids.Your ex-wife is a saint for dealing with you.
Even the eBot knows about you hahaa
I love you anon
Tweet something right now about 8 is Enough And I will publically apologize AND watch your show in it's entirety for the 1st time. I will even tweet about how great you are AND I will buy whatever shit youre selling. Hand to God.
HAHAHA Ok so you're HANNITY then! Gross.
Speak for yourself
I'm telling youโฆThe ones who want use seperated are the article fags. SOMEONE BET ME.
On a side note, i think I may have a slight gambling problem
Shit. I was gonna go to bed. But I can't now. Thank you.
Oh, and it's BBC land bitch! Not Hollywood dummy
I meanโฆ