Anonymous ID: d37222 May 20, 2024, 8:43 a.m. No.20891644   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1659 >>1715

>>20891000, >>20891002, >>20891040, >>20891047, >>20891006, >>20891202, >>20891275, >>20891276, >>20891285, >>20891537, >>20891546, >>20891562, >>20891574


In the not too distant past, there were occasional spans of time where no one, including myself, seemed to care about what truly mattered in regard to our 'real' lives. We didn't need to, it was just a mutually understood concept of QResearcher or just anon law, or a community code, maybe. It wasn't obvious that any of us judged each other for how we lived. It was looked at in pretty straight-forward way - as long as we showed up and stayed connected to the board, you were here to witness a Q drop, or do things that ultimately, help. It didn't become a regular point of scrutiny for others to pick at. We found a way to get there every NIGHTSHIFT, DAYSHIFT, MORNING, GRAVEYARD… Anons are here as a voluntary duty. There is no rollcall, or a truancy officer, nor is there a manager to call you on the phone or to come by your place and snoop in on your lack of participation, and get "fired." It's something that was/is/and always will be done, forever, kek all on your own. Nobody tells (Us) what to do; only we do. From the golden days of post-2016 elections, around October 20th, 2017… and all the way up to this very second, right here and now; anonymous users of the internet, from all around the world, have been giving themselves up [physically] and ]digitally[ directly into this movement, down to the bare-bones; in order to always keep all of 'it' moving. No matter what, we continue to hold that line.


When we were de-platformed, did you feel a sense of loss? As if something was truly missing from your daily life? Something that gave you that feeling of belonging? A belonging to something so much bigger than just ourselves alone, individually. For once, we felt as one with the whole, jailbreaking & delimiting our collective potential. At first it was intimidating. still is, probably always will be As the nights & days went chugging along, it became a routine, and it was creating a groove in our lives, especially my own. There were mornings, and late afternoons, where the magic of being part of this moment almost felt like, a real, actual, job. A legitimate occupation where people noticed us, devoting our minds, bodies, and hearts to it. How could they not recall at least one memory where we were completely enthralled by what we were doing in front of our screens. Who knows, they may have even been a little shocked, maybe even… impressed? Well, we know the value of what our combined efforts here, on this living entity of an infini-board. Well guess what? Some of us here may not remember but; they took it away, for a stint, and us anons felt the void generated and left behind for us to adapt to.


[Part 1 of 2]

Anonymous ID: d37222 May 20, 2024, 8:46 a.m. No.20891659   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1715


[Part 2 of 2]


I refuse to feel that way again. In spite of all of the obstacles and burdens occurring at almost the precise moments when we were at our most vulnerable states, we persevered. I personally, need to know I am doing something that inevitably culminates into change. A big change. Change so drastic and so welcomed, that when people ask about any one of us, inquiring about what we were doing the whole time while we were glued to our desks, day after day, night after night. The internal storm that persisted at all hours, however, not getting paid a single dime. Even though, when confronted, there was no way to 'completely' justify it; I assume our response is something along the lines of, "Who, Anon? Yeah… They never stopped! They're animals!"


Persistence and consistency is key to these extremely meticulous times.


To me, a person with a biological human frame, there can be this overall sense of malaise and mental resistance that overwhelms my being, and seemingly only when I want to be on 8kun/QResearch, doing my thing. Like a microwave from the sky that cooks me when I go to sit at my desk to dig, or make memes; in order to punish me for attempting to use my skills in any way towards our movement, The Great Awakening! So, as a result, I'm not here as much as I'd like to be. I'm not going to lurk, RE:, run digs, do art, create videos, capture links, collect notables, bake the bread, tidy up the ship… ANYTHING THAT IMPORTANT TO ALL OF YOU AND I, with a half-assed brain or the inability to sit still and just [FOCUS] on just one thing at a time, "and somehow," following through and finishing. I'm not going to request for a handoff, put the bread in my oven, then because I get pissed off or distracted, or worse, need to jerk off - then all of a sudden OOPS! I realize that I forgot that the dough is in the oven, and the anons were counting on me, AT [4AM] in the morning! No fucking way, absolutely not. I care too much about my morals and having the utmost of respect for (Us), especially those of you whom are real-life o7. ^_^ That's the true, GODSPEED reason why I'm not here every night, the way I want to be and worked at my best pace, like I used to be able to, back in 2019-2020. -sigh- fuzzyfeelz


I hope all of 'this' clarifies some of the chatter revolving around our collective work ethic and what brings a person to do, that is, what we (All) voluntarily do, with so much dedication. Q improved my life for the better, so I must give back. Without the anons, Q, 8kun, TRUTH, POTUS, o7… where would we be right now? I'm so grateful to be here, with all of (You) faggots, instead. I love you QResearch, thank you.


Where we go one, we go all!


