So how do you propose to get control of the narrative? Chaos majik?
We usually refer to your expected Ascension as "suicide"
Currencies are whatever people believe they are worth.
Multiple currencies make exchanges less reliable since you can't track their current "value"
Buy a book and read it Adam Smith or Karl Marx - the choice is yours.
Oh, btw - I printed some currencies and I wan top buy everything you own. Money is no object (I can just print more)
And he was usually the King's Butt Boi.
But I heard the Cabal controlled the world all the way back to Noah?
One of the "ancient secrets" I learned here
Can you refer us to that Q post?
Prosperity was in the 1950 - 1960s.
The Hippies & SDS stole all the money
If that is the extent of your reading list, it would explain all the MSM articles that tried to discredit Q as another "conspiracy theory"
"Collectives don't do anything productive"
They can declared "wants", but are unable to meet "needs" (except for emotional triage).
Commune, Kibbutzs, Soviet agriculture are striking examples. Couldn't even feed their own and went bust after running through capitalist's $$ stockpiles which funded their startup.