Anonymous ID: eeea4e May 20, 2024, 2 p.m. No.20892842   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>20892756 LB

Every Israeli who served their time in IDF must know this.

and most of the Israelis who fled the concert were shot and burned by the Israeli Apache helicopters - that entire field of burnt out cars was Israeli soldiers killing its own people to "UP the numbers" of the false flag, so their sheeple will accept the mass genocide of Palestinian civilians, wiping out all the Palestinians is the Agenda.


So Jared Kushner has dibs to build resort condos on the Gaza beach. Over blood soaked land which is a mass sacrifice to Moloch, bringing demonic favors to profit from that land.


Just like the Rothschild puppet Adolph Shicklgruber Hitler killed some Jews to make them willing to move to Palestine to populate Rothschild's piece of Palestine, to create the Rothschild owned Israel and bring in the end times anti-Christ.

Anonymous ID: eeea4e May 20, 2024, 2:10 p.m. No.20892881   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Christian Zionists are dumb, and their leaders are bought and paid for.


Meanwhile the Christian church has been infiltrated by Jewish Kabal for centuries, with Jewish Popes and the powerful order Jesuits was founded by a marrano Jew and attracted thousands and thousands of Spanish Jews.


Follow the scripture, not your corrupt church leaders.

Anonymous ID: eeea4e May 20, 2024, 2:17 p.m. No.20892907   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Great idea. One thing that the Cabal ZOG MSM never mentions is that there were/are thousands of Christians living peacefully with the Muslims in Palestine for centuries.


The rogue Isn'treal state since 1947 has been killing thousands of Christians along with killing the Palestinians and stealing all their land and resources.


The Balfour Declaration gave Lionel Rothschild 5% of Palestine, then the Israelis stole the rest of it.

Give 'em 5%, they'll take 95%.


Palestine was never Britain's to give.

President John F. Kennedy

Anonymous ID: eeea4e May 20, 2024, 2:30 p.m. No.20892980   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3047 >>3298 >>3419 >>3499

Russian UAV Unit Deactivated The Starlink Satellite Internet Antenna of Ukraine


Russian UAV unit of Dnepr Group revealed the installation of Starlink satellite Internet of Ukraine on top of a building in Kherson. Kiev Army was left without communications after an FPV drone came crashing down and ensured the equipment destruction.



Anonymous ID: eeea4e May 20, 2024, 2:45 p.m. No.20893062   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3126


Ukraine aka Israel 2.0 is over. Russia has taken over 278 sq. kilmeters of Kharkiv in a week.


Russia has also sent troops into Sumy. Once Khakiv and Sumy falls, Russia has a short straight line to Keeeeev.


Zelenskyy knows it's over. Last week "discussing" moving the Capitol of Ukraine from Kiev to Lviv. That's a huge retreat to the Western edge of Ukraine.


Yet the ZOG MSM still lying to the sheeple that "Ukraine is winning".


Even when Russia plants the Russian flag in the city center of Kiev the Kabal MSM will insist that "Russia can't win".

that's called Satanic Inversion.


Desperate ZOG: you Goyeeem Christians must risk everything to kill the Russian Christians for us.

Anonymous ID: eeea4e May 20, 2024, 3:23 p.m. No.20893200   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3298 >>3419 >>3499


Remember that video last week of the Tesla charging station with Every Single Charging Cord CUT on all 9 charging stations.


Soon there won't be a single EV charging station left in the country with a whole charging cord left.

Anonymous ID: eeea4e May 20, 2024, 4:15 p.m. No.20893421   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Nobel Prizes won by JEWS: 214


Giving prizes to themselves.


Money talks and the Jewish Banster Cartel owns all the banks on the planet, except for






Libya, Iraq, Syria was invaded by our ZOG Gov't puppets to steal all their gold, oil and other resources to benefit the Jewish Kabal and Syria's oil has been carted off to Israel.


You've been brought up in the JEWISH Kool-aid.


Arrogance is your tribal norm. Just wait until the privately owned FED is ENDED.

There goes the Jewish power stranglehold on bullying the world.


BRICs is up next to unseat the ZOG gov'ts of the US and the EU.


Rep. Thomas Massie just introduced a Bill to END the FED.


It's been 7 1/2 months and the Israeli IOF still can't beat Hamas, even with our dirty ZOG Gov't giving Isn'treal even moar $$$ Billions to Isn'treal , on top of the $4 Billion Dollars per year that Israel has been fleecing America for.


Israel's military is only good at shooting unarmed women and children, but can't make a dent in beating Hamas men who don't even have planes or helicopters.


IDF is pathetic.