Anonymous ID: f4072a May 20, 2024, 1:47 p.m. No.20892798   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2813 >>2829 >>2854 >>2893

>>20892655 lb


But what's a conflicted Judge to do?

Just keep making more mistakes

>>20892649 lb

Exactly after 400~ years they are still lying.



"The following comments on the Gunpowder Plot of nearly four hundred years ago bear

an eerie resemblance to the 9/11 operation: “The determined manner in which this object

was ever kept in view, the unscrupulous means constantly employed for its attainment,

the vehemence with which matters were asserted to have been proved, any proof of

which was never seriously attempted - in a word, the elaborate system of falsification by

which alone the story of the conspiracy was made to suit the purpose it so efficiently

served, can inspire us with no confidence that the foundation upon which such a

superstructure was erected, was itself what it was said to be. On the other hand, when we

examine into the details supplied to us as to the progress of the affair, we find that much

of what the conspirators are said to have done is well-nigh incredible, while it is utterly

impossible that if they really acted in the manner described, the public authorities should

not have had full knowledge of their proceedings.” (Gerard 16-17) These comments on

the Gunpowder Plot of 1605 are equally applicable to the 9/11 attacks of four centuries

later. The Anglo-American financier faction, whose birth was marked by terrorism under

James I, has resorted to even more spectacular terrorism in the epoch of its historic

decline. "

>>20892643 lb

Anonymous ID: f4072a May 20, 2024, 1:51 p.m. No.20892813   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2829 >>2854 >>2893


Gerard, John, S.J. What Was the Gunpowder Plot? The Traditional Story Tested by

Original Evidence. London: Osgood and Mcllvaine, 1897.


"The classic case of strategic terrorism of this type is doubtless the Gunpowder Plot of

November 5, 1605, a day that is still marked each year in the English calendar as Guy

Fawkes’ Day. In 1605 James I Stuart, a Protestant who united in his person the crowns of

Scotland and England for the first time, was considering a policy of accommodation with

the Spanish Empire, the leading Catholic power. James was also considering some

measures of toleration for Catholics in England, where the majority of the landed gentry

in the north of the country was still loyal to Rome. An influential group in London,

backed by Venetian intelligence from abroad, wanted to push James I into a confrontation

with the Spanish Empire, from which they hoped among other things to extract great

personal profit. They also thought it was politically vital to keep persecuting the Roman

Catholics. Chief among the war party was the royal chancellor, roughly the prime

minister, who was Lord Robert Cecil, the Earl of Salisbury. Cecil set out to convince

James I to adopt his policy, and to accomplish this by means of terrorism. Acting behind

the scenes, Cecil cultivated some prominent Catholics, one of them Lord Thomas Percy

from the famous Catholic Percy family, and used them as cut-outs to direct the operations

of a group of naive Catholic fanatics and adventurers, among them a certain gullible

gentleman named Guy Fawkes. Thomas Percy was supposedly a Catholic fanatic, but in

reality was a bigamist. This group of Catholic fanatics hatched the idea first of tunneling

into the basement of the Houses of Parliament from a nearby house, and then simply of

renting the basement of the Houses of Parliament, in order to pack that basement with

explosives for the purpose of blowing up King, Lords, and Commons when James I came

to open the Parliament early that November. But instead Guy Fawkes was caught going

into the basement the night before the great crime was scheduled to occur. Fawkes and

the rest of the plotters were tortured and hanged, and several Catholic clergy were also

scapegoated. James I put aside his plans for toleration of Catholics, and England set out

on a century of wars against the Spanish and Portuguese Empires, from which in turn the

British Empire was born. Guy Fawkes Day became the yearly festival of “no popery” and

hatred for Spain. "

Anonymous ID: f4072a May 20, 2024, 1:56 p.m. No.20892829   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2854 >>2893



"Concerning the Gunpowder Plot, the Jesuit Gerard concludes that “for purposes of State,

the government of the day [meaning Cecil] either found means to instigate the

conspirators to undertake their enterprise, or, at least, being, from an early stage of the

undertaking, fully aware of what was going on, sedulously nursed the insane scheme till

the time came to make capital out of it. That the conspirators, or the greater number of

them, really meant to strike a great blow is not to be denied, though it may be less easy to

assure ourselves of its precise character; and their guilt will not be palliated should it

appear that, in projecting an atrocious crime, they were unwittingly playing the game of

plotters more astute than themselves.” (Gerard 17) Here we have an excellent definition



of state-sponsored terrorism. Gerard’s method of proof is this: “It will be enough to show

that, whatever its origin, the conspiracy was, and must have been, known to those in

power, who, playing with their infatuated dupes, allowed them to go on with their mad

scheme, till the moment came to strike with full effect.” (Gerard 55) This can also be

applied to 9/11.


It should be added that James I does not seem to have been aware of the operation in

advance. The plot was not directed against James I; it rather intended to push him in a

specific policy direction. After November 1605, James I does appear to have realized

what Cecil’s role had been, at least to some extent.


Father Gerard speaks of Thomas Percy, Cecil’s agent in the Gunpowder Plot, as a “tame

duck employed to catch the wild ones.” (Gerard 152) But the fact that he was Cecil’s

agent did not prevent Percy from being killed as part of the coverup after November 5. At

the risk of mixing metaphors, we can cite the opinion of a contemporary observer that

Cecil, one he had secured the game birds he was seeking, hanged the spaniel who had

actually caught them for him, “that its master’s art might not appear.” (Gerard 153) "


As an aside, but maybe not really an aside. The CECIL pirate and favorite of James 1 (mentioned as a principle in the Gunpowder Plot) was a direct ancestor of fake Pocahontas Warren, the liberal politician who falsely claimed descent from the Native American who visited England.

Anonymous ID: f4072a May 20, 2024, 2:02 p.m. No.20892854   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2893





False-Flag staged "Terror events" are ancient, apparently?


"Towards the end of the 1600s, some leaders of the Whig ministry decided that France,

not Spain, was now the leading Catholic power. In 1678 they brought forth the charlatan

Titus Oates to allege that he had proofs of a “popish plot” backed by France to restore

Catholicism in England, including by manipulating the royal succession. Oates may be

usefully compared to the many “anti-terrorism experts” who appear on television news

broadcasts to report on what the terrorists are doing, since it is clear that most of what

these commentators say they have simply invented. When Oates began to recite his

charges there was mass hysteria in England, and several Jesuits were hanged. The diarist

John Evelyn had never seen “the nation in more apprehension and consternation.” So

great was the fear that “.. .before the end of 1678 not only did a majority of the English

people believe that there was such a plot, but anyone who ventured to deny it ran the risk

of impeachment as an accessory. ‘’Twas worse than plotting to suspect the Plot.’” (Hay

122) The popish plot had enormous mass appeal: “the extravagant frenzy of the London

mob took most people by surprise.. .London witnessed an exhibition of emotional

fanaticism which has seldom been equaled in the history of a civilized nation. Mobs have

often been as wicked, but not often so stupid. ‘The imposture known as the Oates Plot,’

wrote Lingard, ‘supported by the arts and declamations of a numerous party, goaded the

passions of men to a state of madness, and seemed to extinguish the native good sense

and humanity of the English character.” (Hayl22-3) The great sponsor of Titus Oates was

Anthony Ashley Cooper, Lord Shaftesbury, the founder of the Whig Party and a member

of the oligarchical cabinet called the CABAL after the initials of its members: Clifford,

Arlington, Buckingham, Ashley, and Lauderdale. The philosopher John Locke was

Ashley’s secretary. In the late summer of 1679 the hysteria began to subside, and it

became apparent that Titus Oates was a fraud and an imposter. At this point King Charles

II put Ashley on trial for treason. Ashley escaped conviction but had to flee to Holland,

where he died. "

Anonymous ID: f4072a May 20, 2024, 2:13 p.m. No.20892893   🗄️.is 🔗kun






As far as the modern "Anonymous" associated with Guy Falkes mask? They were FB1 dirty cops from the beginning. There's no 'Now they are working with them'

Always were. Just sayn'


"We now turn to a structural analysis of modern false-flag terrorism of the type that is

commonly sponsored by factions or networks embedded in the secret intelligence

agencies of modern states. This discussion draws on the work of Andreas von Biilow,

Gerard Wisnewski, Gianfranco Sanguinetti, and on my own research on the Moro

assassination, the Red Brigades, and Italian terrorism in general.




“I’m just a patsy.”

Lee Harvey Oswald.

November 1963


Speaking of Guy Fawkes and his confreres. Father Gerard comments that “many

intelligent men took for granted that in some way or other the actual conspirators were

but the dupes and instruments of more crafty men than themselves, and in their mad

enterprise played the game of ministers of State.” (Gerard 43) In this sense, Guy Fawkes

may represent the archetype of the category of person known in modern intelligence

parlance as the patsy.


The real authorship of state sponsored terrorism is to be successfully concealed, then a

collection of scapegoats is the first ingredient required. These may be defined as the

patsies, or alternatively as fall-guys, scapegoats, useful idiots, or dupes. It is necessary

that they be of low mental ability and great gullibility, since their mission is to be part of

false-flag groups which pretend to be working for a cause, such as the restoration of the

caliphate, while in reality they are under the control of a private network inside the US

government. It is vital for the terrorist controllers that the patsies not realize that this or

that comrade in arms is actually a double agent, a provocateur working for the parallel

CIA or some other comp lie it agency, or which more will be said later. The best

candidates for the patsy role are psychotics, psychopaths, or sociopaths. They may be

fanatics bursting with criminal energy and criminal intent, or they may be pathetic

ideologues and naifs. Frequently they are also misfits, bunglers, and generally maladroit

in what they undertake. "


can you tell by the side-by side photo-comparison between two still shots (from the alleged murder of patsy Oswald by mobster Rubinstein) that the event was staged?

On a Soap Opera sound stage with a boom for the camera.sound?

Anonymous ID: f4072a May 20, 2024, 3:16 p.m. No.20893178   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3181 >>3212 >>3226


It's a VAJRA. represents a weapon, it's a ritual object in Tibetian Buddhism.

Probably represents an ancient weapon wielded by the "Wizards and Warlocks" of the day; back then.


The Deity here picrel is called "VajraPani" Lord of the Vajra.

Anonymous ID: f4072a May 20, 2024, 3:34 p.m. No.20893242   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3280


just meant frolicsome. That's Campy. Party people.


probably just a high-tech weapon, which has been lost (-ish) memory lost of it, in modern times.

Somebodies got it though.



"lightening Bolt"


The use is described in the Mahabharata EPIC, big War, likely real (new mathematically based historians have tagged it - suspect actual locations)

Anonymous ID: f4072a May 20, 2024, 3:37 p.m. No.20893255   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Disney & the occult artist who owned the building the GhostBusters film used.

the "Stone of Scone" was supposedly in a wall of the basement and was stolen.

Called the Master's building.

More on it will be in