dick van dyke
>Can trump arrest him after this trial is over?
Yeah he's a federal agent so he must have arrest powers right
dick van dyke
>Can trump arrest him after this trial is over?
Yeah he's a federal agent so he must have arrest powers right
The funny part is where the iran president is "hitler"
Literally anyone i don't like is hitler meme
Yes. This is why I push back on all this pro-israel tomfoolery from management we see around here.
If we allow them to get away with that blatant false flag, next you won't even be able to question 9/11 around here. Then JFK.
You wait & see.
It's nothing but false flag expansionism. And just like isis being fake & ghey, the entiore world sees this.
Except the US MSM.
>And just like isis being fake & ghey
This was one that even Trump said.
In classic Trump style, he never said it outright. Not because it's un-PC, but because of the level of the rpeublican base at the time, which were still Reagan-humpers, and were not ready for the truth.
But by God, he did imply it.
A master of bifurcated communications
Spam is spam. Legitimate anonnery is legitimate anonnery. This board knew the difference for a very long time.
sociopaths project their personality onto others
>they are literally enjoying putting everyone through this shit on trump
you're such a faggot freddie. the hate writhes and seethes inside you as you try to justify its existence.
>>And just like isis being fake & ghey
>This was one that even Trump said.
>In classic Trump style, he never said it outright. Not because it's un-PC, but because of the level of the rpeublican base at the time, which were still Reagan-humpers, and were not ready for the truth.
>It's always caught my eye the way that Q breaks certain words in his posts so I looked up "neces".
mind blown
>He gives us 17s still to this day.
>Tricon Rental Housing is expanding โTo buy 800 houses a monthโ
end-game capitalism is just communism with a checkbook
helicopters going round & round in circles happens every weekend
certain parts of the country you can't build a fence in your yard without it happening
>The fact the media has started in on Thomas and Alito is a big hint they've been tipped off what the ruling in the J6 cases is going to be
Ah hah. Poso speaks the truth. Wonder where he stole that nugget from
$10 says that account is "lincoln project" niggers who needed to rebrand because of the pedo issues
>A majority of Americans failed the test.