Going to keep it 15 or under for the rest of the night. The digits feel distant.
I don't try and hide behind multiple personas and IP hopping. I am who I am, and I don't hide it.
KEK. Very despair.
Ah, yes, the mimic. Who sees Kubrick-esque hidden symbology so destructive to the country, and only he can see it, that he needs to deface every meme and smear Mr. Pig like his paycheck depended on it and the dumbfuck doesn't know what else to do without his MuhJoo safety blanket. If only everyone would just listen to him. Poor bastard.
KEK. They're so angry tonight. Spiteful little turds.
That looks a lot cooler than just tagging their ID with green text.
Their anger is their own. Poor bastards. They're having a bad night. Buttplug malfunction or something.
Yep. It's like it has become a vendetta to him and his sockpuppets/coworkers, an obsession to pervert something. It's been quite the spectacle to watch first hand. After what's been learned here it's easy to see what ideology would try to pervert/invert something. It really is good vs. evil.
How do you feel about your Reddit spacing, ya l'il bitchflap.