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>What The Viral Fake Bus Hammock TikTok Says About Staged Videos
<What The Viral Fake Bus Hammock TikTok Says About TikTok
>Senior Chinese official meets Saudi finance minister
Just making sure they got they got their stories straight. picrel
i before e, except after c
none of them have the correct index to ring finger length proportion for a female
tranny hands
Males and females generally have different finger proportions. In males, digit 2 is shorter than digit 4, but in females digit 2 is the same length or longer than digit 4.
The longer the female index finger the more desirable female sexual characteristics she will have. On average, of course. this information is important if we are to close the mineshaft gap anon.
Big Bangles fan, huh?
Another best of from Mr. Ping.
Just shit can the economy. WCGW?
Why is a stupid white cat in these memes so fucking important to these assholes? And they really are terrible memes. Really bad. Who can't meme anons?
You must be pretty fucking stupid to not see what is going on with that sick fuck. Mr. Pig is Anti-Trump, Anti-USA, and Anti-Freedom. Cognitive dissonance is a bitch, huh anon?
>why do you need to condemn him?
Oh I don't know. Maybe it was the time he memed a bunch of houses all crammed together like tombstones in a Chinese graveyard and challenged anons to find the American dream. Or maybe it was the time he memed America Winning getting run over by that tank in Tianamen square. Or maybe it was the time he memed America as the World's Alamo (a battle that was lost with all defenders killed). Or maybe it was the cumulative effect of all that and more. You see anon understands symbolism. Anon also understands earning trust and then having that trust broken. Pig is out to subvert the board. And he's done a good job judging by his glee club. His little messages are subtle and (you) have to pay attention. Just like the other day when anon called him on the US flag he was using in meme. It was from the Civil War era. Civil War anon. Now wouldn't the CCP just love to see that. Simpletons look no further than the words America Winning. No deeper because dumb or impaired by limited bandwidth.
That's a long list of non-provable claims. Commie.
Infiniti I35
post count makes you pretty fucking irrelevant anon
Still think I'm full of shit, huh? You motherfuckers watch then. Just as soon as Biden leaves office Mr. Pig will disappear from this board. Mark my words.