Anonymous ID: e0a998 May 21, 2024, 2:24 a.m. No.20894931   🗄️.is 🔗kun


They had it come up with poisoning my internet they continue to do this… Amazon suggested buying mask lol…


This is the illusion it is supposed to be coming back…


They want to do it some more so they can print more money and pay there friends with your tax dollars.


Ever wonder where it is going they can’t do a real audit if it is not over or does not end… think about it?

Anonymous ID: e0a998 May 21, 2024, 2:38 a.m. No.20894954   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Oh this is the ff bs I was talking about they want to act like they can get a lot of people to think it is world war 3 so they can try to have an excuse to bring in the UN.


They want the UN because they can say that is what is brought in by other countries that is natural. This however would not happen in the US. At lest not to the extent it happened in other countries as we fund to much of our self’s and would suggest that a US current government would be completely dissolved… and new government would form.


This would of course be with the influence of the UN Security. Which why would they be doing it… simple some bad actors are trying to get a government take over this way… it is not working. The logic is well it worked in other counties and it happened. The US is different… this is reality and fact. Personally I think the founding fathers did a great job just people where not implementing things correctly.