Anonymous ID: 5b674f May 21, 2024, 10:07 a.m. No.20896264   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6268


The new cover is cyber security… it seems more realistic and justifiable to people… due to economic looses that maybe incurred.


Some is not money laundering but unfortunately some people are wasting money on what ever and calling it something else.


It is mostly the titles that are obvious like what the F is that and it gets funding?


There seems to be dark projects now in every form of government because they need funding that large. This maybe to implement there forever grooming and human trafficking programs. They want anyone that stands out to join them or they harass them…


Note auto correct comes up “try?” What being human trafficked just for a little bit.


This is where they think there way or plan for you is better then your own. To the point you can’t make much of any choices period. This is extreme micro management. It is extremely depressing and demotivating. They use the word demoralizing… they want to do this to anyone that does not go along with there plan… which is to have Ai systems to groom and human traffic anyone and everyone but especially anyone seen as having any value. If you don’t go along with it they target you and waste your time.


My life is not about anything I want anymore but fit into a box of what they seem to want for me in the packaging they want to put it. Not only this they wasted years of my time and life so they have to be successful at it basically.


Now auto correct says “careful” which means what is it a threat. What do I need to be careful of…


People worried about someone saying 50,000 dollar shovel is what NASA spends money on and thinks people understand. Of course it could be all propaganda trying to figure it out.